Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Homeopathy - Multiple Choice Questions in Surgery

Homeopathy - Multiple Choice Questions in Surgery

1.Most common type of intussusception is
a) ilio-colic
b) ilio-ileal
c) colo-colic
d) caeco-colic

2.Dumping syndrome is due to
a) Diarrhea
b) Presence of hypertonic content in small intestine
c) Vagotomy
d) Reduced gastric capacity

3. Commonest site of peptic ulcer is
a) 1st part of duodenum
b) 2nd part of duodenum
c) Distal 1/3rd of stomach
d) Pylorus of stomach

4.Ancovy sauce pus is a feature of
a) Amoebic liver abscess
b) Lung abscess
c) Splenic abscess
d) Ischaemic colitis

5.Most common site for impaction of gall stones in gall stone ileus is
a) 1st part of duodenum
b) 2nd part of duodenum
c) Terminal ileum
d) Colon

6. Pyoderma gagrenosum is most commonly associated with
a) Ulcerative colitis
b) Crohn’s disease
c) Amoebic colitis
d) Ischaemic colitis
7.Colo-vesical fistula most commonly arises from
a) Crohn’s disease
b) Ulcerative colitis
c) Ca colon
d) Abdomino perineal resection

8.Post Operative pulmonary thromboembolism is seen in all except
a) Tall and thin man
b) Obese male
c) Pregnant female
d) Oestrogen therapy

9.Organism causing infection in patients following spenectomy
a) Strep pneumoniae
b) Staph aureus
c) H-influenzae
d) Pseudomonas

10.Massive bleeding per rectum in 70 year old patient is due to
a) Ca colon
b) Diverticulosis
c) Colitis
d) Polyps

11.Massive bleeding from colon in a patient is from
a) Inferior mesenteric artery
b) Superior mesenteric artery
c) Celiac artery
d) Gastro-duodenal artery

12.Most common surgical cause of obstructive jaundice is
a) CBD stone
b) Stricture in CBD
c) Alcoholism
d) Malignancy

13.Most common tumour of spleen is
a) Lymphoma
b) Sarcoma
c) Haemangioma
d) Metastasis

14.Which of the following is not an absolute indication for splenectomy
a) Splenic abscess
b) Hereditary spherocytosis
c) Fibrosarcoma
d) Autoimmune haemolytic anaemi

15.Most common site for squamous cell ca oesophagus is
a) Upper third
b) Middle third
c) Lower third
d) Gastro-oesophageal junction

16.Commonest site of carcinoma oesophagus is
a)  Upper third
b) Middle third
c) Lower third
d) Gastro-oesophageal junction

17.True regarding congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
a) More common in girls
b) Hypo chloremic alkalosis
c) Hellers myotomy is the procedure of choice
d) Most often manifests from burn

18.An ulcer that may develop in from burn tissue is
a) Marjolin’s
b) Rodent
c) Melanoma
d) Curlings

19.Risk factor for development of gastric Ca
a) Blood group O
b) Duodenal ulcer
c) Intestinal hyperplasia
d) Intestinal metaplasia type III

20.Pre- malignant condition with the highest probability for progression to malignancy is
a) Dysplasia
b) Hyperplasia
c) Leucoplakia
d) Erythroplakia

21.Cork screw oesophagus is seen in which of the following conditions?
a) Carcinoma oesophagus
b) Scleroderma
c) Achalasia cardia
d) Diffuse oesophagus spasm

22.Adenocarcinoma of oesophagus develops in
a) Barret’s oesophagus
b) Long standing achalasia
c) Corrosive structure
d) Alcohol abuse

23.In gastric outlet obstruction in a peptic ulcer patient, the site of obstruction is most likely to be
a) Antrum
b) Duodenum
c) Pylorus
d) Pyloric canal

24.Strong correlation with colorectal cancer is seen in
a) Peuts-jegher’s polyp
b) Juvenile polyposis
c) Familial polyposis coli
d) Hyper plastic polyp

25.In which of the following condition is acquired (secondary) megacolon seen
a) Fissure in ano
b) Complete absence of parasympathetic ganglion cells
c) Absence of sympathetic ganglion cell
d) Rectal malignancy

26.The diagnosis of congenital megacolon is confirmed by
a) Clinical features
b) Barium enema
c) Rectal biopsy
d) Recto-sigmoidoscopy

27.All of the following extra intestinal manifestations of ulcerative colitis respond to colectomy except
a) Primary scleoring cholangitis
b) Pyoderma gangrenosum
c) Episcleritis
d) Peripheral arthralgia

28.Most common cause of peripheral limb ischaemia in India is
a) Trauma
b) Antherosclerotic
c) Burger’s disease
d) Takayasu’s disease

29.In which of the following tumours alpha fetoprotein is elevated
a) Choriocarcinoma
b) Neuroblastoma
c) Hepatocellular carcinoma
d) Seminoma

30.Acalculous cholecystitis is seen in all the following conditions except
a) Enteric fever
b) Dengue haemorrhagic fever
c) Leptospirosis
d) Malaria

31.Most common site of a benign peptic ulcer is
a) Upper third of lesser curvature
b) Greater curvature
c) Pyloric antrum
d) Lesser curvature near incisura angularis

32.Most common endocrine tumour of pancreas
a) Insulinoma
b) Gastrinoma
c) Lipoma
d) Glucagonoma

33.Virchow triad includes all except
a) Venous stasis
b) Injury to veins
c) Blood hypercoagulability
d) Venous thrombosis

34.Most common cause of superficial thrombophlebitis is
a) Trauma
b) Infection
c) Varicosities
d) IV infusion

35.Investigations of choice t diagnose hirschsprung’s disease is
a)Rectal manometry
b)Barium enema
c)Rectal biopsy

36.Dysphagia lusoria is due to
a)Oesophageal diverticulum
b)Aneurysm of aorta
c)Oesophageal web
d)Compression by aberrant blood vessels

37.A young patient with history of dysphagia more to liquid than solids, the first investigation you will do is
a)Barium swallow
d)CT Scan

38.Common cause of malabsorption
a)Celiac disease
b)Crohn’s disease
c)Whipple’s disease

39.Scleroderma most commonly affects
a)Cardia of stomach

40.Right gastro epiploic artery is a branch of
a)Right gastric artery
b)Splenic artery
c)Gastroduodenal artery
d)Superior pancreatic duodenal artery

41.Glucagonoma is derived from
a)B cells of pancreas
b)G cells
c)Alpha cells
d)Delta cells

42.All are pre- malignant except
a)Primary sclerosing cholangitis
b)Caroli’s disease
c)HBV cirrhosis
d)Budd- chiarri syndrome

43.Desloughing in burns is generally complete by
a)1 week
b)2 weeks
c)3 weeks
d)4 weeks

44.Most important function in early burn resuscitation is
a)Prevention of hypovolaemia
b)Treatment of infections
c)Prevention of hypothermia
d)Psychological support

45.Burn associated ulcer is called
a)Cushing’s ulcer
b)Curling’s ulcer
c)Trophic ulcer
d)Peptic ulcer

46.Embolism in cerebral artery occurs most commonly in
a)Middle cerebral artery
b)Anterior cerebral artery
c)Posterior cerebral artery
d)Cerebellar arteries

47.Aneurysm need repair if over
a)3.5 cm on USG
b)10cm on USG
c)5.5 cm on USG
d)7 cm on USG

48.Mycotic aneurysm is due to

49.Bird beak appearance in barium radiography is seen in
a)Ca oeosophagus
b)Diffuse oesophageal spasm
c)Plummer Vinson syndrome
d)Achalasia cardia

50.Most common site for peripheral aneurysm is


1-A     2-A     3-A     4-A    5-C    6-A    7-A    8-A     9-A  10-B
11-B  12-A  13-A   14-D  15-B  16-B  17-B  18-A   19-D  20-D
21-D  22-A  23-B   24-C  25-D  26-C  27-A  28-B   29-D  30-D
31-D  32-A  33-D   34-D  35-C  36-D  37-A  38-A   39-D  40-C
41-C  42-D  43-C   44-A  45-B  46-A  47-C  48-C   49-D  50-B

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