Monday, April 16, 2018

Kerala PSC Homeo Medical Officer Exam 2013

Kerala PSC Homeo Medical Officer Exam 2013

1. Commonest type of non-hodgkin’s lymphoma is
a) B cell
b) T cell
c) Null Cell
d) Histiocytic
2. Earliest symptom of Ca Larynx
a) Hoarseness of voice
b) Stridor
c) Cough
d) Hemoptysis
3. Aversion even to smell of egg
a) Colchicum
b) Ars
c) sepia
4. Effective medicine in gallstone colic
a) Chionanthus vir.
b) Cubeba
d)  none of these
5. 2nd observation of Kent is
a) Prolonged aggravation with final decline
b) Prolonged aggravation, final & slow improvement
6. World AIDS day
a) Dec 7
b) July 7
c) Dec 01
7. ABO Blood group system was introduced by
a) Karl Landsteiner
b)  leannec
8. Rheumatic heart disease is associated with
a) Mitral stenosis
b) Mitral insufficiency
c) Mitral and aortic stenosis
d) Mitral stenosis and insufficiency
9. Acute severe asthma is new term for
a) Status asthmatics
b)  acute Asthma
10. Alpha protein is lowered in maternal blood in……….
a) Multiple pregnancy
b) Down’s syndrome
c) Neural tube defects
d) Renal agenesis
11. Mask like facies seen in……..
a)  Stroke
b)  Parkinsonism

12. Longest part of fallopian tube
a)  Ampullary
b)  Infundibular
c)  Interstitial
d)  Isthmus
13. Inimical to causticum
a)  Ars
b)  Phos
14. Tomb stone appearance seen in……………
a)  Eczema
b)  Lichen Plannus
c)  Pemphigus
d)  All
15. Venous emboli most commonly get lodged in
a) Heart
b) Lungs
c) Kidney
d) Brain
16. Hepatic amebic abscess usually get ruptured to
a) Pericardium
b) Peritoneum
c) Intestine
d) Right lung
17. Prophylactic medicine for african fever & malaria
a)  Terebinth
b)  China
18. Edward syndrome is…………..
a)  Trisomy 13
b)  Trisomy 18
c)  Trisomy 21
d)  None
19. Chromosome pattern in complete hydatidiform mole
a) 46XX
b) 45XO
c) 69XXX
d) 69XXY
20. Commonest cause of first trimester abortion is
a) Chromosomal abnormalities
b) Cervical incompetence
c) Placental insufficiency
d) Rh incompatibility
21. Commonest creatine kinase in acute M.I
a) CK-MM
d) All
22. In fatty liver due to alcoholism
a) Reduced utilisation of tryglycerides
b) Increased fatty acid production
23. Cold sweat around nose is a symptom of……….
a) Veratrum alb
b) China
c) Thuja
24. Call-Exner bodies are seen in
a) Arrhenoblastoma
b) Granulosa cell tumor
c) Brenner tumor
25. Sclera becomes yellow when serum bilirubin level exceeds…………..
a)  1mg %
b)  3mg%
c)  5mg%
d)  7mg%
26. Residual Chlorine in drinking water..
a)  0.2ppm
b)  0.5ppm
c)  0.8ppm
d)  1.5ppm
27. Which of the following is used to disinfect clinical thermometre
a) Dettol
b) Savlon
c) Iodine
28. Broad urinary castes are seen in………..
a) Acute glonarulonephritis
b) Chronic glomarulo nephritis
c) Acute renal failure
d) Nephritic syndrome
29. Biologically complete protein means protein containing
a)  16% Nitrogen
b)  Protein containing all essential amino acids
c)  protein containing   amino acids in right proportion
30. Chemical causing lathyrism
a) Beta-oxdyl amino alanine
b) Alpha-oxidyl amino arginine
c) Beta-oxidyl amino arginine
31. Diagnostic feature of scabies
a)  Itching
b)  Pruritus
c)  Burrows
d) None
32. Commonest childhood skin infection
a) Molluscum contagiosum
b) Impetigo contagiosa
c) Scabies
d) Warts
33. Commonest cause of secondary amenorrhoea
a)  PCOD
b)  Pregnancy
34. Immunoglobulin present in human milk
a)  IgG
b)  IgE
c)  Igm
d)  IgA
35. Cholesterol most associated with atherosclerosis…………..
a) LDL
c) HDL
d) Triglycerides
36. Testosterone is produced in ………………..cells of testes
a) Leydig cells
b) Tunica albuginea
c) Stertoli cells
d) Rete cells
37. Trio of menier’s disease
a) Deafness, trembling, nausea
b) Deafness, vertigo and tinnitus
38. Roth’s spots are seen in
a) Abdomen
b) Palms
c) Retina
39. Nerve commonly involved in leprosy
a) Radial.N
b) Median.N
c) Ulnar N
d) Femoral.N
40. Incubation period of mumps
a) 14 days
b) 10 days
c) 18 days
41. Hemoplysis with bright red blood in morning and dark blood in evening
a) Puls
b) Acalypha indica
42. Which of the following medicine is useful in wrist rheumatism
a) Acon
b) Actea spicata
43. Everything appears violent for medicine
a)  Carb-sulph
b)  Cina
44. Wernicke’s encephalopathy is due to deficiency of which vitamin?
a) Thiamine
b) Rihoflavin
45. Which of the following is deficient in vitamin.c?
a) Green leafy vegetables
b) Fish
c) Meat
d) Cereals
46. Annoying itching inside nostrils & roof of mouth
a) Allium cepa
b) Nux
c) Ars iod
d) Arundo
47. Inimical to sepia
a) Lyco
b) Ign
c) Natmur
d) Lach
48. Commonest cancer in Indian women
a) Ovarian ca
b) Ca cervix
c) Endometrial ca
49. No of medicines proven by Dr. Kent
a) 16
b) 31
c) 36
d) 28
50. All the medicines have pain head over right side except..
a) Bell
b) Prunus
d) Spigelia
51. What is wrong about Naso pharyngeal cancer
a) It is common in south east asia
b) Incidence is exclusively in males
c) Related to E B Virus
d) Prognosis is fatal
52. Incubation period of anthrax
a) 2weeks
b) 10-14days
c) 2-5 days
d) 2-4weeks
53. Most heat sensitive vaccine is
a) Hepatitis
b) Polio
c) BCG
d) None
54. Boenning hausen was born in the year
a) 1755
b) 1775
c) 1785
d) 1795
55. Commonest child hood cancer
a) Lukemia
b) Wilm’s tumour
c)  neuroblastoma
56. Which of the following is a dependent edema
a) Pulmonary edema
b) Cardiac edema
57. ‘Onion peel appearance’ seen in xray of
a) Chondrosarcoma
b) Ewing’s sarcoma
c) Osteosarcoma
58. A  c shaped widened duodenum in Xray is indicative of
a) Pyloric stenosis
b) Ca head of pancreas
59. ‘String sign of kantor’ seen in
a) Pyloric stenosis
b) Crohn’s disease
c) TB ileocecal region
d) All
60. ‘Double bubble’ appearance in Xray in infants present when
a)  Volvulus
b)  Intussusception
c)  Pyloric stenosis
d) duodenal atressia
61. Type of degeneration a fibroid may undergo during pregnancy
a) Cystic
b) Hyaline
c) Red
d) Fatty
62. Herald patch is seen in
a) Psoriasis
b) Lichen plannus
c) Ptyriaisis rosea
d) Ptyriasis versicolor
63. Koebner’s phenomenon present in
a) Lichen Planus
b) Vitiligo
c) Psoriasis
d) All
64. Medicine which ameliorated by going to sea shore
a) Med
b) Nat mur
c) Platina
d) Bromium
65. Commonest type of ovarian cancer
a) Serous cystadenoma
b) Mucinous cystadenoma
c) Teratoma
66. Pregnant uterus become palpable per abdomen by-week
a) 12 weeks
b) 8 weeks
c) 16 weeks
d) 14 weeks
67. Trans section of axon cause
b) Enlargement of schwann cells
c) Wallarian degeneration
d) Axonal degeneration
68. Child recognises & smiles at
a)  2 months
b)  4 months
69. Lack of concentration while calculating
a) Sulph
b) Nux vom
c) Phos
d) Lyco.
70. Hcg hormone present at peak value at………. days of gestation
a) 60-70
b) 70-90
c) 110-130
d) 100- 110
71. Post coital bleeding is a symptom of
a) Belladonna
b) Argentum nit
c) Puls
d) Calc
72. Which medicine is inimical to zinc
a)   Chamomilla
b)   Nux vom
c)   Both
d)  None
73. Inimical to staphysagria
a) Sep
b) Ranunculus bulbosus
c) Zinc
74. Medicine which remove bad effects of tobacco & alcoholism
a) Veratrum
b) Nux vom
c) Sulphuric acid
75. Which is of highest calorific value?
a) Egg
b) Meat
c) Fish
d) Sweet potatoe
76. Medicine for ulcerated throat & left sided tonsillitis
a) Merc-bin iod
b) Merc.protoiod
c) Merc.dulcis
d) Merc.sulph.
77. Most contagious miasm according to Hahnemann
a) Psora
b) Sycosis
c) Syphilis
d) Tubercular
78. Epidermal cell matures  at
a) 1 week
b) 2 weeks
c) 3 weeks
d) 4 weeks
79.caput succedaeneum is characterised by
a) appears in 12- 24 hours
b) extends across suture lines
c) pits on pressure
80.Trans abdominal  USG for chorionic villous sampling done at
a.9-11 weeks
b.11-14 weeks


1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.d 8.a 9.b 10.b
11.b 12.a 13.b 14.c 15.b 16.d 17.a 18.b 19.a 20.a
21.c 22.     23.b 24.b 25.b 26.b 27.b 28.    29.c 30.a
31.c 32.b 33.b 34.d 35.a 36.a 37.b 38.c 39.c 40.c
41.b 42.b 43.b 44.a 45.d 46.d 47.d 48.b 49.d 50.d
51.b 52.c 53.b 54.c 55.a 56.b 57.b 58.b 59.b 60.d
61.c 62.c 63.d 64.a 65.a 66.a 67.c 68.a 69.b 70.a
71.b 72.c 73.b 74.a 75.b 76.a 77.a 78.d 79.b 80.a

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