Monday, April 30, 2018

Kerala PSC Homeopathy Medical Office 2018 Expected Questions-SET 3

1.Berberin is found in:
A)Berberis vulgaris (B) Argemon mexicana
C)Both the above   (D) None of the above

2.In L.M. potency preparation the size of globules used is:
(A) 5-Size (B) 20-Size
(C) 30-Size  (D) 40-Size

3. Which species of Aloe is used in Homoeopathy?
A) Aloe zizibar (B) Aloe coraco
C Aloe socotrina (D) Aloe vera

4. The abbreviation for "Use if necessary" is:
(A) A.С (B)S.OS
(C) С.М (D) HSS

5. The method used for separating volatile solid from non-volatile solid is called
(A) Evaporation (B) Sublimation.
(C) Crystallization (D) Decantation

6. Spermaceti physical nature is:
(A) Solid (B) Liquid
(C) Semisolid (D) Vapours

7. Centicimal potency is discussed in:
(A) Vth Edition of Organon. (B) VIth Edition of Organon.
(C) Materia medica pura. (D) Chronic diseases.

8. Metalic hard and stony hard drugs are triturated for Ix or lc forA
(A) One hour. (B) Two hours.
(C) Three hours. (D) Four hours.

9. Class V of old class deals with:
(A) Mother tinctures. (B) Alcoholic solutions.
(C) Aqueous solutions. (D) Mother solutions.

10. Mullen oil is:
(A) An oil extract.
(B) Alcoholic extract,
(C) Aqueous extract
(D) Glycerin extract.

11. Inspissated Juice is used from:
(B) Grindalia.
(D) Guaicum.
(A) Arnica.
(C) Aloe.

12. Binding material used for the tabloid preparation is:
(A) Starch.
(B) Sugar.
(C) Glycerin. (D) Calcium powder.

13. Globules are manufactured in a machine called
(A) Rotary.
(B) Evaporator.
(C) Coating pan. (D) Granulator.

14. 1 grain powder is equal to
(B) 80 mg.
(D) 100 mg.
(A) 65 mg.
(C) 90 mg.

15. 1 ml of alcohol can give
(B) 17 drops.
(D) 35 drops.
(A) 46 drops.
(C) 20 drops.

16. Homoeopathic drugs prepared by using other systems drug are called
(A) Isopathic drugs.
(B) Tautopathic drugs.
(C) Homoeopathic drugs. (D) Allopathic drugs.

17. Sepia is prepared by using the method of
(A) Mother tincture.
(B) Alcoholic solution.
(C) Aqueous solution. (D) Trituration.

18. The latest Bi-nominal system of nomenclature is introduced by
(A) Linneus.
(B) Bentham and Hooker.
(C) TakhatJ an (D) Gibs.

19. The earliest Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Industry established in Philadelphia U.S.A. is:
(A) Boeric& Tafle. (B) Boiron
(C) Madus. (D) Willmar Scwabe.

20. Manufacture of Homoeo drugs dealt in.sub rule
(A) 85. (B) 92.
(C) 67. (D) 71.

21. Which type of solutions throwout crystals
(A) Perfect solutions. (B) Unsaturated solutions.
(C) Over saturated solutions (D) Aqueous solutions.

22.Loginaceae family members are
A)Nux vomica.(B) Ignatia amara belogs to
C) all of the above. (D) None of the above.

23. Cephalandra and Bryonia
A) Compositae. (B) Solanaces to
C) Cucurbitaceae. (D) Asteraceae.

24.In Anacardium occidentale the part used is
(A)Seeds. (B) Kernel.
C)Fruit D)Juice of Epicarp.

25.In which year the first Pharmacopoeia is published in Homeo
(A) 1790. (B) 17S6.
(C) 1805.. (D) 1825.

26 A substance which can cure a disease is called
(A) Drug. (B) Medicine.
(C) Remedy. (D) All the three.

27.A mother tincture is
(A) An alcoholic solution. (B) Alcoholic extract.
(C) Dilution of the drug. (D) Aquo alcoholic extract.

28.Glonoin is the drug prepared from
(A) Glycerin trichloride. (B) Nitroglycerin.
(C) Triglycerides. (D) Benzene

29.Chemical formula of camphor is
(A) C10H140. (B) CIOH160
(C) CIOH1ON40 (D) C3H5N309

30.Graminaceae members are
(A) Avena eativa. (B) Cynodon dactylon
(C) Both the two. (D) None of the above.

31.Ficus relegios belongs to
(A) Meliaceae. (B) Moraceae.
(C) Urticaceae. (D) Myrtaceae.

32.Cinnaberis is a:
(A) Zinc compound. (B) Lead compound
(C) Copper compound. (D) Mercuric compound.

33. % of the dispensing alcohol is:
(A) 95% (B) 88%
(C) 75% (D) 91%.

34.60. О.Р. alcohol % is:
(A) 94.5 %, (B) 91.4%.
(C) 60% (D) 57%t

35.Arbur vita is the common name for
(B) Abrus precatorious.
(A) Abrotenum.
(C) Thalaspi bursa pastoris. (D) Thuja.,

36. Lachaais male snake is:
(B) Equal is size.
(D) All possible.
(A) Larger than the female.
(C) Smaller than the female.

37. Morbid products with which drugs are prepared are called
(A) Sarcodes.
(B) Nosodes.
(C) Medicines.
(D) Remedies.

38. Posology is the Doctrine of:
(A) Medicine. (B) Potency.
(C) Dosage. (D) None.

39. What are the sources of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
(A) Materia Medica Pura . (B) Organon of Medicine.
(C) Chronic diseases. (D) All the above.

40. When a medicine exhibit affinity for a particular system or organ in the body it is called
(A) Polychrest remedy. (B) Indicated medicine
(C) Organopathic drug. (D) Proved drug.

41. In which aporism of Organon VI edition 50 millicimal potencies are discussed.
(A) 207.
(B) 250.
(D) 170.
(C) 270.

42. How many scales use triturations
(A) One. (B) Two.
(C) Three... (D) All.

43. To get 1 X trituration the drug and sugar of milk are taken in a ratio of:
A)1:9  B)1:99
C)1:4  D)1:2

44. Can the solid trituration be converted in to liquid dilution at:
(A) 6X. (B) 8X.
(C) 10 X . (D) All the above.

45. Succussion is the process used for potentising
(A) Solid drugs. (B) Insoluble drugs.
(C) Soluble drugs. (D) All the above.

46 What is the drug power of mother tinctures in Class II?
A)1/2 B) 1/6
(C)1/10 (D) 1/100.

47. According to old method most juicy plants belong to?
(A) Class I. (B) Class I.
C) Class II1. (D) Class IV

48. The fundamental rule for the Class III Q is discussed in Materia
(A) Bryonia. (B) Cactus g
(C) Silicia. (D) Squilla

49. What is the drug strength of Sulphur mother tincture?
A)1/2 B) 1/10
(C)1/1000. (D) 1/5000.

50. What is the drug strength of Cactus grandiflora Q?
(A) 1/10. (B) 1/20
(C) 1/2. (D) 1/100.

51. Calcaria carb is prepared from which layer of oister shell
(A) inner layer. (B) Middle layer.
(C) Outer layer. (D) All of them.

52. Desicator is used for removing the
(A) Dust. (B) Moisture.
(C) Acidity. . (D) None of them.

53. Which part of the plant Bryonia is used for preparing Q?
(A) Roots. (B) Bark.
(C) Stem. (D) Leaves.

54. Rhododendron is prepared from
(A) Leaves.
(C) Flower buds and leaves. (D) Fruit.

55. Lac filinum is the milk obtained from a healthy
(A) Dog. (B) Cat.
(C) Cow. (D) Horse.

56. For preservation of Flouric acid the glass bottles which are used are
(A) Ambar colour. (B) White colour.
(C) Blue colour. (D) Gutta purcha.
(B) Flowers

57. What is the molecular weight of water ?
(A) 16. (B) 18.
(C) 20. (D) 22

58. When a boiled solution of sugar of milk containing starch is treated will turn it:
(A) Red
(B) Brown.
(C) White curdy. (D) Blue.

59. If chlorides to be tested the silver nitrate is added to give a
(B) Red P.P.T.
(A) Green P.P.T.
(D) Brown PPT.
(C) White curdy P.P.T

60. What is the formula of Ethanol?
(B) C2H5OH.
(C) C3H7Oh.

61. Boiling point of Ethyl alcohol is
(A) 78.5 °C.
(B) 90.5 °C.
(C) 85.2 °C. (D) 100 °C.

62. Glycerin vehicle is obtained from
(D) All the three.
(B) Plant source.
(C) Mineral source.
(A) Animal source.

63. Venums are preserved in
(A) Alcohol.
(B) Water.
(D) Acetone.
(C) Glycerin.

64. The fundamental principle for the dose should be
(A) Singleness.
(B) Simpleness.
(D) All the three.
(C) Similarity.

66. Volume Il of HPI contain the drug monographs ranging:
(A) 108.
(B) 115
(D) 170.
(C) 100.

66. Linaments are prepared from
A) Alcohol.
(B) Distilled water.
(D) Rosmary oil.
(C) Olive oil.

67. Which part is called the body of the prescription?
(A) Superscription. (B) Subscription.
(C) Inscription. (D) Signa.

68. Legally important part of the Signa is
(A) Signature of the physician. (B) Registration No.
(C) Date.
(D) All the three

69. In old classification triturations are discussed in:
(A) Class Vll
(B) Class VIII.
(C) Class IX. (D) All the three.

70. Drugs can be standardise by
Al Physical assaying. (B) Chemical assaying.
(C) Biological assaying. (D) All the three.

71. First Homoeopathic Pharmacy is compiled by:
(A) Close. (B) Caspar!.
(C) Herring. (D) Staff

72. Placebo is discussed in the Organon in article
(A) 270. (B) 267
(C) 281. (D) 247

73. Ethanol is chemically
(A) Monohydric. (B) Dihydric.A
(C) Trihydric. (D) Tetrahydric.

74. Lachasia is introduced by
(A) Kent. (B) Boening Hausen.
(C) Herring. (D) Lippe.

75. Petroselinum belongs to
(A) Mineral source. (B) Plant source.
(C) Chemical source. (D) Animal source.

76. All Mother tinctures are standardized at 1/10 D.S. by
(A) Hahnemann. (B) New method
(C) Pharmacopoeia. (D) Organon of medicine.

77. Club moss is the common name for
(A) Thuja. (B) Fucus.
(C) Lycopodium. (D) Arnica.

78. M. Bhattacharya & Co. Pharmacopoeia is published in
(A) 1900. (B) 1892.
(C) 1920. (D) 1972.

79, Purification of commercial Lactose is developed by
(A) Staff. (B) Coolern.
(C) Lavoishe. (D) Dunham.

80. To separate the solute from solvent the method used is
(A) Filtration. (B) Distillation.
(C) Sublimation (D) Decantation

81. In class IX of old method the drug and vehicle ratio is:
A)1:9 B)1:99
C)2:9 C)1:4

82. Digitalis belongs to the family
(A) Compositae. (B) Scrophluraceae
(C) Solanaceae. (D) Rananculaceae.

83. Bufo rana is the drug prepared from
(A) Toad.
(B) Snail.
(C) Snake. (D) Lizard.

84. Santonine is the active principle of:
(A) Belladonna. (B) Satalum album
(C) Cina.
(D) Pulsatilla.

85. Rule 67 of Sale of Homoeo drugs the duration of licence is discussed in
(A) 67-C. (B) 67-D.
(C) 67-E. (D) 67-EB.

86. Route of administration of drugs is dealt in
(A) Pharmacognosy. (B) Pharmacology
(C) Pharmaconomy.
(D) Pharmacoproxy.

87. One who conduct proving experiment is called
(A) Prover.
(C) Master prover. (D) None of the above.
(B) Ideal prover.

88.Temporary Hardness of water is because of the presence of:
(A) Sulphates .(B) Phosphates.
(C) Carbonates. (D) Chlorides.

89. Decimal potencies are explained in
(A) V edition of Organon.(B) VI edition of Organon.
(C) Both the two.(D) None of the above.

90. Night blooming Cereus is the name for-
(A) Helianthus anus. (B) Cactus g
(C) Claendula,, (D) ChamomiUa.

91. Passion flower of Passiflora incamata the part used is
(A) Leaves (B) Roots.
(C) Flowers. (D) Fruits.

92. Skunk is the material obtained from
(B) Toad skin.
(A) Musk deer.
(C) Anal gland of wild cat.
(D) Snake venum.

93. Propaintriol ia the chemical name of
(A) Methyl alcohol (B) Ethyl alcohol.
(C) Glycerin (D) Benzene

94. Mercurialifl perinnis belongs to
(A) Animal kingdom.
(B) Mineral kingdom
(C) Plant kingdom.
(D) Chemicals.

95. I.H.P. Vol I contain Monographs of:
(A) 170 Drugs.
(B) 210 Drugs.
(C) 118 Drugs. (D) 180 Drugs

96. Extraction of Mother tinctures from dry drug materials is carried out by the process of:
(A) Filteration.
(B) Sublimation.
(C) Maceration. (D) Percolation.

97. Karl Fisher method of moisture estimation is otherwise known as :
(A) Gravimetric method (B) Tolune method.
(C) Volumetric method. (D) Titrimetric method.

98. Imponderable drugs are introduced by Hahnemann in Organon of medicine in the article
(A) 274 .(B) 267.
(C) 282. (D) 286.

99. Homoeopathic doses are synonymous for
(A) Infmitissimal doses. (B) Microdoses.
(C) Minimal doses.(D) Optimal doses.

100. Common name of Andrographis paniculata is
(A) Babchi. (B) Somraj
(C) Kalmegh. . (D). Kurchi.

1C 2A 3C 4B 5B 6C 7A 8B 9C 10B 
11C 12A 13C 14A 15B 16B 17D 18B 19A 20A 
21C 22C 23C 24D 25D 26C 27D 28B 29B 30c 
31B 32D 33B 34B 35D 36C 37B 38C 39D 40C 
41C 42B 43A 44D 45C 46B 47A 48D 49D 50B 
51B 52B 53A 54C 55B 56D 57B 58D 59C 60B 
61A 62D 63C 64D 65C 66C 67C 68D 69D 70D 
71 B 72C 73A 74C 75B 76B 77C 78B 79A 80 
81C 82B 83A 84C 85C 86C 87C 88C 89D 90B 
91A 92C 93C 940C 95D 96D 97D 98D 99A 100C

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