Saturday, March 10, 2018

Human Anatomy & Physiology MCQs

Human Anatomy & Physiology Objective Questions

1.Anatomy is a term, which means the study of ......
A) physiology
B) morphology
C) cell functions
D) human functions

2.The study dealing with the explanations of how an organ works would be an example of ......
A) anatomy
B) cytology
C) teleology
D) physiology

3.The process of turning molecules that are ingested into forms that are compatible with the organism is ......
A) digestion
B) absorption
C) assimilation
D) circulation

4.The exchanging of gases for the purpose of producing energy is called ......
A) breathing
B) respiration
C) circulation
D) responsiveness

5.The removal of a compound that the body no longer requires is called ......
A) secretion
B) excretion
C) movement
D) digestion

6.When a nurse takes someone's temperature, they are directly assessing a ......
A) metabolic activity
B) sign of illness
C) vital sign
D) core temperature

7.The following are essential needs of the body except which one?
A) water
B) chemicals
C) set point
D) pressure

8.The force that water exerts on a system is referred to as the .....___.
A) hydrophilic factor
B) hydrostatic pressure
C) atmospheric pressure
D) osmotic pressure

9.The transportation of heat in the body is mainly a property of the ..... it contains.
A) food
B) oxygen
C) water
D) pressure

10.The process in which cells and organisms are able to maintain a stable balance of internal and external substances and forces is called ......
A) equilibrium
B) adaptation
C) adjustment
D) homeostasis

11.The following is an example of a homeostatic event.
A) sweating during a test
B) shivering when it is cold
C) developing a headache
D) muscle strain

12.The following are examples of homeostatic parameters or body values except which one?
A) heart rate
B) blood pressure
C) blood glucose levels
D) insulin production

13.A decrease in blood glucose that causes the inhibition of insulin is an example of ......
A) positive feedback
B) negative feedback
C) abnormal function
D) the action of glucagon 

14.The orbital cavity would contain the ......
A) eyes
B) nasal septum
C) brain
D) teeth     

15.The following are correct cavity terms except which one?
A) oral
B) nasal
C) frontal
D) middle ear 

16.Another name for the cavity in the front or belly side is ..... .
A) dorsal
B) ventral
C) abdominopelvic
D) vertebral 

17.The ..... membranes surround the lungs.
A) pericardial
B) mediastinal
C) pleural
D) peritoneal

18.Which of the following would not be lined by peritoneum?
A) heart
B) stomach
C) intestines
D) liver

19.The following are sinus areas except which one?
A) frontal
B) maxillary
C) ethmoid
D) cranial

20.The ..... system plays a role in moving fluids, wastes, and bones?
A) skeletal
B) integumentary
C) muscular
D) nervous

21.The skin belongs to the ..... system.
A) nervous
B) integumentary
C) circulatory
D) muscular 

22.Integration and coordination are properties of the ..... system of organs.
A) nervous
B) circulatory
C) excretory
D) muscular

23.Hormones are chemicals of the ..... system that affect target areas.
A) cardiovascular
B) endocrine
C) exocrine
D) nervous 

24.The following belong together except which one?
A) pituitary
B) thyroid
C) brain
D) adrenal

25.The following is an example of positive feedback:
A) glucagon raises blood sugar
B) insulin lowers blood glucose
C) a temperature of 100.2F causes a further increase
D) 100.1F is followed by 98.6F

26.A system is defined as a group of ..... that function together.
A) cells
B) tissues
C) molecules
D) organs   

27.The structures called ..... are intracellular areas with specific living functions.
A) inclusions
B) organs
C) organelles
D) macromolecules
28.Proteins and carbohydrates are classified as ......
A) macromolecules
B) microbes
C) organelles
D) atoms 

29.The following belong together except which one?
A) head
B) arm
C) neck
D) trunk

30.Simple squamous epithelium is a ..... term.
A) tissue
B) cell
C) organ
D) pathology

31.The ..... separates the thoracic from abdominal cavities.
A) pelvis
B) rib cage
C) diaphragm
D) peritoneum 

32.The following belong together except which one?
A) brain
B) vertebral canal
C) spinal cord
D) stomach   

33.The heart lies specifically in the ..... space.
A) thoracic cavity
B) mediastinum
C) abdominal cavity
D) pleural cavity 

34.The following belong together except which one?
A) trachea
B) bronchi
C) esophagus
D) larynx
35.Parts of the pharynx belong to the ..... and digestive systems.
A) respiratory
B) circulatory
C) nervous
D) skeletal

36.The larynx is a term in the ..... system.
A) integumentary
B) respiratory
C) digestive
D) nervous

37.The ..... system returns tissue fluids to the heart.
A) circulatory
B) lymphatic
C) integumentary
D) histologic

38.The function of the ..... is to remove soluble wastes from the body.
A) lungs
B) gastrointestinal tract
C) kidneys
D) skin   

39.The following are components of the excretory system except which one?
A) lungs
B) large intestine
C) integument
D) salivary glands

40.The bulbourethral glands would be found in the ..... system.
A) reproductive
B) excretory
C) circulatory
D) endocrine

41.A tumor on top of the head would be on the ..... surface.
A) inferior
B) superior
C) medial
D) lateral

42.The navel is located on the ..... surface.
A) cranial
B) ventral
C) dorsal
D) inferior

43.The wrist is the ..... part of the hand region.
A) proximal
B) distal
C) superior
D) inferior

44.A medial tumor on the head could be on the ......
A) ear
B) cheeks
C) nose
D) eye

45.The wrist is ..... to the fingers with respect to the elbow.
A) distal
B) inferior
C) superior
D) proximal 

46.The arms lie on the ..... surface of the trunk.
A) medial
B) lateral
C) distal
D) posterior

47.A ..... section divides an organ into top and bottom.
A) sagittal
B) oblique
C) coronal
D) transverse

48.Which of the following is the same as inguinal?
A) epigastric
B) hypochondriac
C) lumbar
D) iliac

49.The lower ribs are below the ..... region.
A) lumbar
B) epigastric
C) hypogastric
D) hypochondriac

50.A ..... section divides the body into right and left.
A) coronal
B) transverse
C) sagittal
D) frontal

1) B -The study of human functions is physiology.
2) D -Cytology is the study of cells.
3) C -Molecules undergo absorption into the blood.
4) B -The physical acts of inhaling and exhaling are called breathing.
5) B -Wastes are defined as substances that are not needed by the body because they are excessive or not able to be assimilated; even water can be a waste; wastes are removed by excretion.
6) C -A sign of illness is a visible indicator of pathology usually observed by a physician during an examination.
7) C -Chemicals are essential needs, such as amino acids.
8) B -Osmotic pressure is a force that tends to draw water towards it; hydrostatic pressure is the force of the water.
9) C -Oxygen never acts as a heat transporter.
10)D -Cells adapt or change in response to their environment.
11)B -Shivering is an attempt to increase body temperature through muscle contraction which is the major source of heat; the other examples are abnormal, not normal homeostatic events.
12)A -The body maintains blood pressure through complex reflexes, hormones and other factors.
13)B -Negative feedback occurs when a parameter such as blood sugar sends information back to the pancreas causing insulin to lower blood glucose levels.
14)A -The nasal septum is within the nasal cavity.
15)C -There is a nasal cavity.
16)B -Ventral refers to belly or anterior side and dorsal refers to back.
17)C -The mediastinum is a space which includes the heart
18)A - The stomach, intestines and liver are covered with the peritoneum.
19)D -Cranial is used properly as a cavity; there are frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid and mastoid sinuses
20)C -The integumentary system is the skin.
21)B -The integument, or skin, includes the tissues that cover the entire body.
22)A -The circulatory system transport molecules through the blood.
23)B -Hormones are endocrine chemicals which are secreted internally into the blood but have target cell or organ effects.
24)C -The pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system.
25)C -Insulin lowers blood glucose directly through cell membrane channels.
26)D -Tissues are cellular units within an organ.
27)C -Organs have very specific functions.
28)A -Microbes are microscopic organisms such as bacteria.
29)B -The arm is part of the appendicular portion while the head, arm and neck are axial.
30)A -An example of a cellular term is membrane.
31)C -The rib cage represents the anterior and lateral borders of the thoracic cavity.
32)D -The brain, vertebral canal, and spinal cord of parts of the dorsal cavity.
33)B -The mediastinum is the space in the middle of the thoracic cavity that does not contain the lungs (pleural).
34)C -The trachea, bronchi, and larynx belong to the respiratory system.
35)A -The pharynx is not part of the circulatory system.
36)B -Larynx is the voicebox which belongs in the respiratory system.
37)B -The lymphatic vessels return fluid that has been lost into the tissues from the circulatory system back into the circulatory system.
38)C -The main function of the urinary system is to eliminate water and soluble waste chemicals such as urea; the gastrointestinal tract eliminates insoluble wastes.
39)D -Elimination of wastes is a function of the lungs, large intestine, and integument.
40)A -The excretory system eliminates wastes.
41)B - The top of the head would be a superior surface which means above.
42)B -Ventral refers to the belly or anterior area; the navel is on the ventral surface.
43)C -Distal refers to something away from a relative center point of reference.
44)C -The cheeks are lateral on the face.
45)D -Inferior means below.
46)B -The sides of the trunk are lateral surfaces.
47)D -A coronal section divides the body into front and back.
48)D -The lumbar or lateral regions are above the pelvis.
49)D -The epigastric area is above the area of the umbilicus.
50)C -A transverse or cross-section divides a structure into top and bottom.

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