Thursday, November 30, 2017

Homoeopathic Management of Eczema


               Eczema is a polymorphic inflammatory reaction pattern of the skin involving the epidermis and skin. The term eczema literally means to boil over. The term eczema and dermatitis use interchangeably. Dermatitis is a general term which denotes any skin disorder. It is classified into two types. Endogenous ( Due to constitutional or internal factors)and exogenous type(Due to external agents). Depending on the morphology of eruption, eczema can be decided into two. Acute eczema characterised by pruritis, erythemas, oedema, vesiculation, oozing, crusting and scaling. Chronic eczema characterised by pruritis, lichenification, excoriation and either hypo or hyperpigmentation.

Types of Eczema
  • Endogenous
  1. Atopic dermatitis
  2. Seborrheic dematitis
  3. Nummular eczema
  4. Stasis eczema
  5. Pompholyx
  • Exogenous eczema
  1. Allergic contact dermatitis
  2. Irritant contact dermatitis
  3. Photodermatitis
  • Unclassified
  1. Asteatotic eczema
  2. Lichen simplex chronicus
Endogenous Eczema

Atopic dermatitis  
Also known as infantile eczema,flexural eczema, atopic eczema. It is an allergic disease believed  to have an hereditary component,and often runs in families whose  members  also have  fever and asthma. Itchy rash is particularly noticeable on head and scalp,neck,inside of elbows,behind knees,and buttocks.It is very common in developed countries   rising.  
Seborrheic dematitis 
 (“Cradle cap”in  infants) is  condition sometimes classified   form of eczema which is closely related to dandruff. It causes dry or easy peeling of the scalp,eyebrows,and face and sometimes trunk. The condition is harmless except in severe case of cradle cap. In newborns it causes a thick,yellow crusty scalp rash called cradle cap which seams related to lack  biotin,and is often curable. 
Nummular eczema 
It is characterised around spots both of oozing or dry rash,with clear boundaries,often on lower legs.It is usually worse  winter. Cause is unknown,and the condition tends to come and go. 
Stasis eczema 
Also known as varicose eczema. Occurs in  people with impaired circulation,varicose veins ad oedema and particularly common in the ankle area of people over 50. There is redness,scaling, darkening of the skin and itching. The disorder predisposes to leg ulcers. 
Acute,chronic, or reccurent dermatitis of the lateral aspects of fingers,palms ad soles characterised by symmetrical deep  seated pruritic, clear vescicles and later by scaling,fissures ad lichenification, spontaneous remissions can occur  2-3 weeks. Recurrence is  rule. Secondary infection may occur. Hyperhidrosis is common.

Exogenous dermatitis

Allergic  and irritant  dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis result from  delayed reaction to some allergen,such as (poison ivy or nickel) and irritant (resulting from direct reaction to a detergent,such as sodium lauryl sulfate)
Sensitisation of skin after exposure to sunlight or contact with substances  phototoxic or photo allergic effect & characterised by smarting,burning  hyperpigmentation. Common  in summers. Exposed surfaces usually extensor surfaces. Common sites  are face,neck ,hands,forearms and feet.

Homoeopathic medicine for eczema

Is one of the top grade homoeopathic medicines for eczema. Graphites works well in case of both  dry eczema and  moist eczema. The key symptom to look out for in dry eczema before prescribing graphites are – excessively rough,dry skin attended with intense irritation. In moist eczema  skin eruptions will ooze moist,sticky fluid where homoeopahic medicine graphites will give result. Graphite also well work for  eczema between finger  toes oozing glutinous discharge. It is also  good  for eczema of eyelids with red margins and scaliness.
Natrum mur:  
Eczema in bend of limbs.It includes those behind the knee and folds of skin between the elbows. The eczema eruptions in the bends of limbs are dry,chapped,raw,inflammed and crusty in nature. In addition to this, natrum mur  a well indicated homoeopathic medicine for eczema eruptions arising around the margin of the hairline.
Sulphur and psorinum: 
Sulphur is a prominent hmoeopathic medicine for eczema with excessive itching and eczema rash. This is attended with intense scratching and it worsens in the evening and  night.Warmth also aggravate the complaints.  Skin is  very dirty and unhealthy. It can be used in the cases of eczema where there is  history of ointment use.
Psorinum is helpful in dry ,itching eczema where a person scratches until it bleeds and the eczema worsens in the winter and relief during summer. Eczema behind ears. 
 Eczema get worsens during winter. The skin is very rough,hard and thick. Deep cracks appears on  affected skin. The craks may bleed in sometimes. Burning and itching is present on the skin which is highly sensitive to the touch. It also works for the deep cracks in fingertips. 
Eczema with tick,crusty eruptions. There is discharge of glutinous character from these eruptions. In some case pus discharges may observed along with the blood. Discharge is acrid  nature with intolerable itching. On scratching, the itching change places often. Eczema of scalp. The key features here are thick,leather like crusty eruptions on the scalp with sticky or pus like discharge. It is attended with  marked burning and intense itching. The discharge is highly offensive  in nature. The hair get matted together due to the sticky discharge. 
Vinca minor:   
Eczema in scalp. The person vinca minor has  eruptions in spots on the scalp. The eruptions ooze discharge that may result in matting of the hair. Excessive itching with an irresistible desire to scratch predominate. 
Eczema where it is accompanied by asthma. The symptom include dry, rough,itchy skin. Burning sensation in eruptions may  be marked. Cold may worsen the itching and burning. Along with eczema,asthmatic symptoms with marked dyspnoea, suffocative attacks, cough ,constriction in the air passage is present. Eczema with hey fever. Both these conditions may coexist or may alternate with one another.


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