Monday, April 30, 2018

Kerala PSC Homeopathy Medical Office 2018 Expected Questions-SET 1

1. Pain as if bones were all torn to pieces is the particular of:
(A) Cimicimga. (B) Colocynthis
(C) Ipecac. (D) Mag. Phos.

2. Nit. acid is complementary to
(A) Arsenic. (B) Caladium.
(C) Both. (D) None of the above.

3. "Pains are drawing, tearing, erratic rapidly shifting from one part to anoth
(A) Kali bich. (B) Lac. can.
(C) Pulsatilla. (D) All of the above

4. 'Kali bich' is antidotes to:
(A) Arsenic alb. (B) Lachesis.
(C) Pulsatila. (D) All of the above.

5.'Acridity and putridity' of all the discharges from mucus membrane is tt
tom of
(A) Kreosotum. (B) Lachesis.
(C) Nit. Arid. (D) All of the above.

6. Perspiration, smelling like honey is the characteristic of:
(A) Calcareacarb. (B) Thuja.
(C) Both.(D) None of the above.

7. First edition of Organon of medicine was published in
(A) 1805. . . (B) 1810.
(C) 1817. (D) 1828.

8. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has given idea about case taking in the Aphorism No:
(A) Aphorism 1-70. (B) Aphorism 71-82.
(C)Aphorism 83-104. (D) Anhorism 105-145

9.Number of aphorism in fifth edition of Organon is:
(A) 320. (B) 294.
(C)291. (D) 318.

10.Who gave the idea of complete symptom?
Dr. S. Hahnemann.(B) Dr. Boenninghausen.
(C) Dr. J.T.Kent.
D) Dr. Stuart Close.

11. General symptoms are those symptoms:
(A) Which refer to the person as a whole.
(C) Which are common in nature.
(B) Which are uncommon in nature.
(D) All of the above.

12. Concomitant symptoms:
(A) Have no value for disease diagnosis (B) Very important for individualizing the patient.
(C) Important for homoeopathic therapeutic diagnosis. (D) All of the above.

13. What is 'Causa occasionalis'?
(A) Exciting cause (B) Maintaining cause.
(C) Both.
(D) None of the above.

14. What is the main object of Homoeopathic case taking ?
(A) Diagnosis (B) Individualization.
(C) Prognosis. (D) All of the above.

15. What is the prognosis of third observation of Kent ?
(A) Good. (B) Bad.
(C) Very Good. (D) Very Bad.

16. A full time amelioration of the symptoms, yet no special relief to the patient is of Kent.
(A) Fifth, (B) Sixth.
(C) Seventh. (D) Ninth

17. The action of the medicine upon prover is the-- observation of Kent:
(A) Tenth. (B) Ninth.
(C) Seventh. (D) Sixth.

18. 'Lecture on Homoeopathic philosophy' by Dr. J.T. Kent was published in the year:
(A) 1870. (B) 1897.
(C) 1900. (D) 1921.

19. In which year Dr. Hahnemann wrote the book on 'Medicine of Experience' ?
(A) 1803. (B) 1805
(C) 1810. . (D) 1819.

20. 'An essay on a new principle for ascertaining the curative powers of Drugs' was written
in the year
(A) 1790. (B) 1796.
(C) 1803. (D) 1810.

21. Author of the Repertory of Hering's Guiding symptoms of our Materia Medica is
(A) Calvin B Knerr. (B) Clara B Knerr.
(C) Clavan B Knerr. (D) Carol B Knerr

22. A case history contains
(A) Superscription . (B) Inscription.
(C) Subscription. (D) All of the above.

23. The following symptoms are observed on patients, but not on prover:
(A) Pathological. (B) Toxicological
(C) Clinical. (D) None of the above

24. Jahr published the Repertory in the year
A)1805 B)1835
(C) 1833 (D) 1840

25. Gentry's Repertory of Concordance was published in the year
(A) 1886.
(B) 1890.
(C)1782. (D) 1990.

26. Gentry's Repertory of Concordance consists of volumes.
(A) Two. (B) Five.
C) Six.
(D) Eight.

27. "Repertory of Hemorrhoids' was written by
(A) Gentry.
(B) Kent.
C) Guernsey. (D) Hering.
28. Repertory of 'Fevers' was published by:
(A) TF. Alien.
(B) Н.С. Alien.
(C) WA. Alien (D) Milton.

29. 'C.M. Boger's Synoptic Key with Repertory' was published in the year
(A) 1931. (B) 1936.
(C) 1898. (D) 1930.

30. In 'Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book the gradation of medicines is
(A) Four. (B) Five.
(C) Three. . (D) Six.

31. In Kent's Repertory 'Urticaria' is in chapter
(A) Skin. (B) Generalities.
C) Extremities. (D) All of the above.

32. In Kent's Repertory "Bubo' is in chapter:
(A) Stomach. (B) Abdomen.
(C) Skin.(D) Genitalia, male.

33. In Kent's Repertory 'Lousiness' belongs to chapter:
(A) Head. (B) Generalities.
(C) Skin. (D) None of the above.

34. In Kent's Repertory 'Empyema' is in chapter\
(A) Abdomen. (B) Stomach
C Chest. (D) Extremities.

35. In Kent's Repertory for "Urine Sugar' look in chapter:
(A) Generalities. (B) Kidney
Q Urine(D) Bladder.

36. Rubric "Addisions disease' in Kent's Repertory is placed under:
(A) Bladder. (B) Kidney
(C) Ureter.(D) Generalities.

37. In Kent's method of repertorisation more importance is given to:
(A) Physical generals. (B) Mental generals
(C) Concomitance. (D) Modalities.

38. In Boenninghausen's Repertory rubric 'Ecstasy' is under:
(A) Abdomen. (B) Hunger and thirst.
(C) Intellect. (D) Sensorium.

39. In Boenninghausen's Repertory rubric 'Impaired' is under
(A) Intellect. (B) Complaints.
(C) Head. (D) Internal head.

40. Rubric 'Cyanosis' in Boenninghausen's Repertory is under
(A) Skin. (B) Generalities.
(C) Sensations. (D) Complaints.

41. The word 'Homoeopathy' is derived from:
(A)' German. (B) Latin.
(C) French. (D) Greek.

42. The word Organon is a derivation from:
(A) Latin. (B) Greek.
(C) German. (D) None of the above.

43. 'Novum Organum' was written by:
(A) Hahnemann. (B) Huges.
(C) Lord Francis Bacon. (D) None of the above.

44. 'Aude Sapere' has originated from:
(A) Greek .(B) German.
(C) Latin. (D) None of the above.

45. What is the common name of Apocynum?
(A) Honey bee. (B) Indian hemp.
(C) Indian turnip. (D) None of the above.

46. Great pain throat, burning as if from coal of fire or a red-hot iron with dryness is in:
(A) Nit add. (B) Lachesis.
(C) Phytolaca. (D) Belladonna.

47. 'Chelidonium majus' belongs to the family of:
(A) Cucurbitaceae. (B) Liliaceae.
(C) Loganiaceae. (D) Papaveraceae

48.worm Seed* is the common name of:
Chamomflla. (B) Cina
(C) Cinchona. (D) Drosera

49. 'Vertigo on seeing the flowing water' is the characteristic of
(A) Therridion. (B Coniummac.
(C) Ferrummet. (D) All of the above.

50. Nose Bleeding when washing the face is marked feature of
(A) Hamamelis. (B) Belladonna
(C) Phosphorus. (D) Ammonium carb.

51. 1 Vertigo when ascending is the marked feature of.
(A) Belladonna. (B) Bryonia.
(C) Ars.alb. (D) Cal. carb.

52. Toothache ameliorated by holding cold water in the mouth is marked in
(A) Coffea. (B) Belladonna.
(C) Aconite. (D) None of the above.

53. Palpitation from least exertion is the marked feature of
(A) Nat.mur. (B) Lycopodium.
(C) Arg. nit. (D) lodum.

54. Constipation even soft stool requires great straining is the marked feature of:
(A) Alumina. (B) Bryonia.
(C) Sulphur. (D) Nat.mur.

55. Leucorrhoea like white of egg especially after every urination is marked feature of
(A) Ammonium mur. (B) Sepia.
(C) Alumina.
(D) Kreosote

56. Irresistible desire to talk in Rhymes is the marked feature of:
(A) Thuja. (B) Stramonium.
(C) Lachesis .(D) Antimcrudum

57. Hardness of hearing, relieved by riding in a carriage or train:
(A) Pulsatilla. (B) Nat acid.
(C) Thuja. (D) Capsicum.

58. Corns on soles of feet, which are very sensitive and painful
(A) Ranunculus bulbosum .(B) Sulphur
(C) Thuja.
(D) Nat.mur.

59 Rashes on the body before menses is in :
(A) Colocynthis. (B) Bryonia.
9) Aconite. (D) Dulcamara.
60. Mental symptom "feels that life is constant burden for him" is in:
(A) Ver.alb. (B) Thuja.
(C) Aurummet. (D) Sulphur.

61. In Boenninghausen's Repertory Dislocations' is in chapter:
(A) Extremities.(B) Joints.
(C) Complaints. (D) Sensations.

62.In Boenninghausen's Repertory 'Emaciation' is in chapter:
(A) Generalities.
(B) Face
(D) None of the above.
(C) Sensations.

63. For 'Whooping cough' refer Kent's Repertory under chapter:
(A) Generalities.
(B) Expectoration.
(D) Cough.
(C) Chest.
64. Rubric "Lochia' in Kent's Repertory in:
(A) Uterus.
(B) Genitalia female.
(D) Menstruation.
(C) Generalities.

65. 'Reeling' in Kent's Repertory is placed under:
(A) Head. (B) Mind.
(C) Vertigo . (D) None of the above.

66. 'Astigmatism* in Kent's Repertory belongs to chapter:
(A) Vision. (B) Eye.
(C) Generalities. (D) None of the above.

67. 'Suppression of urine' in Kent's Repertory is placed under:
(A) Bladder.
(C) Urethra.
(B) Ureter.
(D) Kidney

68·Headache and diarrhea alternates, is an example of:
(A) Common symptom. (B) Pathological symptom.
(C) Associated symptom. (D) Alternating symptom,

69. 'Rheumatism worse from motion' is an example of:
(A) Uncommon symptom. (B) Common symptom.
(C) Peculiar symptom. (D) Keynote symptom.

70. Hahnemann attempted to prepare a Repertory known as
(A) Fragmenta viribus.
(B) Fragmenta de Viribus Medica Mentorum Positivis.
(C) Repertorim Homoeopathrca.
(D) None of the above.

71. Author of Sensation as if is
(A) Dr. Hahnemann. (B) H.A. Roberts.
(C) W.A. Alien. (D) Boenninghausen.
72.Systemic Alphabetical Repertory was published in 1848 by:
(A) Robin Murphy. (B) Lippe.
(C) Clopar Muller. (D) Jahr.

73. T.F. Alien's Symptom Register was published in the year
(A) 1885. (B) 1882.
(C) 1880. (D) 1925.

74. Analytical Repertory of Hering was published in
(A) 1881. (B) 1825.
(C) 1790. (D) 1921.

75. Repertory of Modalities was published in the year 1880 by
(A) Worcester. (B) Kent.
(C) Lippe. (D) Boricke.

76. Author of Repertory of Urinary Organs is:
(A) A.R. Morgan. (B) W.C. Alien.
(C) Possart. (DLippe.

77. Hydrocele belongs to the chapter in Kent's Repertory
(A) Generalities. (B) Abdomen.
(C) Skin. (D) None of the above.

78. In Kent's Repertory rubric Exopthalmic goiter is placed at:
(A) Face.
(B) External throat.
(C) Internal throat. (D) Generalities.

79. In Boenninghausen's Repertory "Haughtiness" is found in the chapter:
(A) Mind B) Sensorium
(C) Complaints. (D) Intellect.

80. In Boenninghausen's Repertory "Photmania" is found in the chapter:
(A) Mind. (B) Eyes.
(C) Intellect. (D) Vision.

81. Hahnemann died at the age of
(A) Eighty one. (B) Eighty five.
(C Eighty eight. (D) Ninety seven.

82. Who has published Repertory of Anti Psoric ?
(A) Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. (B) Dr. J.T. Kent.
(C) Dr. Constantine Hering. (D) Dr. Boenninghausen.

83. Total number of section in Kent's repertory:
(A) 37. (B) 07.
(C)38 (D) None of the above.

84. Total number of sections in Boenninghausen's therapeutic pocket book"
(A) 37.
(B) 07
(C) 38.
(D) None of the above.

85. Total number of sections in Boger Boenninghausen's characteristic Materia Medica and
Repertory is:
(A) 37. . (B) 07.
(C) 38. (D) None of the above.

86. Idea about Hydrogenoid Carbogenoid and Oxygenoid constitution was given by:
(A) Dr. Grauvogl. (B) Dr. Adolph Lippe.
(C) Dr. Roger Morrison. (D) Dr. Pierce Smith.

87. Who has worked on the chapter relationship of remedies?
(A) Dr. R.Gibson Miller. (B) Dr. J.T. Kent.
(C) Dr. William Boericke. (D) None of the above.

88. Who is the editor of synthesis repertory?
(A) Dr. Fredrick Schroyens. (B) Dr. George Vithoulkas.
(C) Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. (D) Dr. Julian Winston.

89. The cause of disease action is from:
CAJ- (A) Center to circumference. (B) Circumference of center.
(C) Below upwards-A"
(D) None of the above.

90. Objective symptoms are the symptoms:
(A) Noted by relatives. (B) Noted by friends.
(C) Noted by physician. (D) All of the above.

91. Subjective symptoms are the symptoms, which are noted b
(A) Patient.
(C) Relatives of patient. (D) Physician.
(B) Friends of patient.

92. Rare symptoms are the symptoms:
(A) Which appear in every prover. (B) Appear on maximum prover.
(C) Appear only on few prover. (D) Appear on fifty percent prover.

93. Most difficult task in a case is recording is to obtain:
(A) Common symptoms. (B) Mental symptoms.
(C) Physical symptoms, (D) Individualizing characteristic symptoms.

94. Object of a Homoeopathic case taking is
(A) to get idea about common symptoms.
(B) to get idea about mental symptoms.
(C) to get idea about symptoms of body
(D) to obtain individual picture of the disease.

95. In which Aphorism, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has given idea about Homoeopathic sp
(A) Aphorism No. 18
(B) Aphorism No. 70.
(C) Aphorism No.71.
(D) Aphorism No. 147

96. Who amongst the following brought the analogy of complete symptom with location
sensation,concomitant and Modality?
(A) Dr. J.T. Kent .(B) Dr, Boenninghausen
(C) H.A. Roberts .(D) Dr. Kheer.

97. Total number of chapters in Knerr Repertory is:
(A) 38, (B) 48.
(C)47. (D) 37.

98. Outwardly reflected picture of the internal essence of the diseases are :
A) Objective symptoms. (B) Subjective symptoms.
C)Totality of symptoms. (D) None of the above.

99. The one affect or modify a symptom is called
(A) Aggravation. (B) Amelioration.
(C) Causa occasionalis. (D) Modality.

100.Totality of symptom was introduced in Aphorism
(A) Aphorism 2. - (B) Aphorism 5.
(C) Aphorism 7. (D) Aphorism 20

Kerala PSC Homeopathy Medical Office 2018 Expected Questions-SET 3

1.Berberin is found in:
A)Berberis vulgaris (B) Argemon mexicana
C)Both the above   (D) None of the above

2.In L.M. potency preparation the size of globules used is:
(A) 5-Size (B) 20-Size
(C) 30-Size  (D) 40-Size

3. Which species of Aloe is used in Homoeopathy?
A) Aloe zizibar (B) Aloe coraco
C Aloe socotrina (D) Aloe vera

4. The abbreviation for "Use if necessary" is:
(A) A.С (B)S.OS
(C) С.М (D) HSS

5. The method used for separating volatile solid from non-volatile solid is called
(A) Evaporation (B) Sublimation.
(C) Crystallization (D) Decantation

6. Spermaceti physical nature is:
(A) Solid (B) Liquid
(C) Semisolid (D) Vapours

7. Centicimal potency is discussed in:
(A) Vth Edition of Organon. (B) VIth Edition of Organon.
(C) Materia medica pura. (D) Chronic diseases.

8. Metalic hard and stony hard drugs are triturated for Ix or lc forA
(A) One hour. (B) Two hours.
(C) Three hours. (D) Four hours.

9. Class V of old class deals with:
(A) Mother tinctures. (B) Alcoholic solutions.
(C) Aqueous solutions. (D) Mother solutions.

10. Mullen oil is:
(A) An oil extract.
(B) Alcoholic extract,
(C) Aqueous extract
(D) Glycerin extract.

11. Inspissated Juice is used from:
(B) Grindalia.
(D) Guaicum.
(A) Arnica.
(C) Aloe.

12. Binding material used for the tabloid preparation is:
(A) Starch.
(B) Sugar.
(C) Glycerin. (D) Calcium powder.

13. Globules are manufactured in a machine called
(A) Rotary.
(B) Evaporator.
(C) Coating pan. (D) Granulator.

14. 1 grain powder is equal to
(B) 80 mg.
(D) 100 mg.
(A) 65 mg.
(C) 90 mg.

15. 1 ml of alcohol can give
(B) 17 drops.
(D) 35 drops.
(A) 46 drops.
(C) 20 drops.

16. Homoeopathic drugs prepared by using other systems drug are called
(A) Isopathic drugs.
(B) Tautopathic drugs.
(C) Homoeopathic drugs. (D) Allopathic drugs.

17. Sepia is prepared by using the method of
(A) Mother tincture.
(B) Alcoholic solution.
(C) Aqueous solution. (D) Trituration.

18. The latest Bi-nominal system of nomenclature is introduced by
(A) Linneus.
(B) Bentham and Hooker.
(C) TakhatJ an (D) Gibs.

19. The earliest Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Industry established in Philadelphia U.S.A. is:
(A) Boeric& Tafle. (B) Boiron
(C) Madus. (D) Willmar Scwabe.

20. Manufacture of Homoeo drugs dealt in.sub rule
(A) 85. (B) 92.
(C) 67. (D) 71.

21. Which type of solutions throwout crystals
(A) Perfect solutions. (B) Unsaturated solutions.
(C) Over saturated solutions (D) Aqueous solutions.

22.Loginaceae family members are
A)Nux vomica.(B) Ignatia amara belogs to
C) all of the above. (D) None of the above.

23. Cephalandra and Bryonia
A) Compositae. (B) Solanaces to
C) Cucurbitaceae. (D) Asteraceae.

24.In Anacardium occidentale the part used is
(A)Seeds. (B) Kernel.
C)Fruit D)Juice of Epicarp.

25.In which year the first Pharmacopoeia is published in Homeo
(A) 1790. (B) 17S6.
(C) 1805.. (D) 1825.

26 A substance which can cure a disease is called
(A) Drug. (B) Medicine.
(C) Remedy. (D) All the three.

27.A mother tincture is
(A) An alcoholic solution. (B) Alcoholic extract.
(C) Dilution of the drug. (D) Aquo alcoholic extract.

28.Glonoin is the drug prepared from
(A) Glycerin trichloride. (B) Nitroglycerin.
(C) Triglycerides. (D) Benzene

29.Chemical formula of camphor is
(A) C10H140. (B) CIOH160
(C) CIOH1ON40 (D) C3H5N309

30.Graminaceae members are
(A) Avena eativa. (B) Cynodon dactylon
(C) Both the two. (D) None of the above.

31.Ficus relegios belongs to
(A) Meliaceae. (B) Moraceae.
(C) Urticaceae. (D) Myrtaceae.

32.Cinnaberis is a:
(A) Zinc compound. (B) Lead compound
(C) Copper compound. (D) Mercuric compound.

33. % of the dispensing alcohol is:
(A) 95% (B) 88%
(C) 75% (D) 91%.

34.60. О.Р. alcohol % is:
(A) 94.5 %, (B) 91.4%.
(C) 60% (D) 57%t

35.Arbur vita is the common name for
(B) Abrus precatorious.
(A) Abrotenum.
(C) Thalaspi bursa pastoris. (D) Thuja.,

36. Lachaais male snake is:
(B) Equal is size.
(D) All possible.
(A) Larger than the female.
(C) Smaller than the female.

37. Morbid products with which drugs are prepared are called
(A) Sarcodes.
(B) Nosodes.
(C) Medicines.
(D) Remedies.

38. Posology is the Doctrine of:
(A) Medicine. (B) Potency.
(C) Dosage. (D) None.

39. What are the sources of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
(A) Materia Medica Pura . (B) Organon of Medicine.
(C) Chronic diseases. (D) All the above.

40. When a medicine exhibit affinity for a particular system or organ in the body it is called
(A) Polychrest remedy. (B) Indicated medicine
(C) Organopathic drug. (D) Proved drug.

41. In which aporism of Organon VI edition 50 millicimal potencies are discussed.
(A) 207.
(B) 250.
(D) 170.
(C) 270.

42. How many scales use triturations
(A) One. (B) Two.
(C) Three... (D) All.

43. To get 1 X trituration the drug and sugar of milk are taken in a ratio of:
A)1:9  B)1:99
C)1:4  D)1:2

44. Can the solid trituration be converted in to liquid dilution at:
(A) 6X. (B) 8X.
(C) 10 X . (D) All the above.

45. Succussion is the process used for potentising
(A) Solid drugs. (B) Insoluble drugs.
(C) Soluble drugs. (D) All the above.

46 What is the drug power of mother tinctures in Class II?
A)1/2 B) 1/6
(C)1/10 (D) 1/100.

47. According to old method most juicy plants belong to?
(A) Class I. (B) Class I.
C) Class II1. (D) Class IV

48. The fundamental rule for the Class III Q is discussed in Materia
(A) Bryonia. (B) Cactus g
(C) Silicia. (D) Squilla

49. What is the drug strength of Sulphur mother tincture?
A)1/2 B) 1/10
(C)1/1000. (D) 1/5000.

50. What is the drug strength of Cactus grandiflora Q?
(A) 1/10. (B) 1/20
(C) 1/2. (D) 1/100.

51. Calcaria carb is prepared from which layer of oister shell
(A) inner layer. (B) Middle layer.
(C) Outer layer. (D) All of them.

52. Desicator is used for removing the
(A) Dust. (B) Moisture.
(C) Acidity. . (D) None of them.

53. Which part of the plant Bryonia is used for preparing Q?
(A) Roots. (B) Bark.
(C) Stem. (D) Leaves.

54. Rhododendron is prepared from
(A) Leaves.
(C) Flower buds and leaves. (D) Fruit.

55. Lac filinum is the milk obtained from a healthy
(A) Dog. (B) Cat.
(C) Cow. (D) Horse.

56. For preservation of Flouric acid the glass bottles which are used are
(A) Ambar colour. (B) White colour.
(C) Blue colour. (D) Gutta purcha.
(B) Flowers

57. What is the molecular weight of water ?
(A) 16. (B) 18.
(C) 20. (D) 22

58. When a boiled solution of sugar of milk containing starch is treated will turn it:
(A) Red
(B) Brown.
(C) White curdy. (D) Blue.

59. If chlorides to be tested the silver nitrate is added to give a
(B) Red P.P.T.
(A) Green P.P.T.
(D) Brown PPT.
(C) White curdy P.P.T

60. What is the formula of Ethanol?
(B) C2H5OH.
(C) C3H7Oh.

61. Boiling point of Ethyl alcohol is
(A) 78.5 °C.
(B) 90.5 °C.
(C) 85.2 °C. (D) 100 °C.

62. Glycerin vehicle is obtained from
(D) All the three.
(B) Plant source.
(C) Mineral source.
(A) Animal source.

63. Venums are preserved in
(A) Alcohol.
(B) Water.
(D) Acetone.
(C) Glycerin.

64. The fundamental principle for the dose should be
(A) Singleness.
(B) Simpleness.
(D) All the three.
(C) Similarity.

66. Volume Il of HPI contain the drug monographs ranging:
(A) 108.
(B) 115
(D) 170.
(C) 100.

66. Linaments are prepared from
A) Alcohol.
(B) Distilled water.
(D) Rosmary oil.
(C) Olive oil.

67. Which part is called the body of the prescription?
(A) Superscription. (B) Subscription.
(C) Inscription. (D) Signa.

68. Legally important part of the Signa is
(A) Signature of the physician. (B) Registration No.
(C) Date.
(D) All the three

69. In old classification triturations are discussed in:
(A) Class Vll
(B) Class VIII.
(C) Class IX. (D) All the three.

70. Drugs can be standardise by
Al Physical assaying. (B) Chemical assaying.
(C) Biological assaying. (D) All the three.

71. First Homoeopathic Pharmacy is compiled by:
(A) Close. (B) Caspar!.
(C) Herring. (D) Staff

72. Placebo is discussed in the Organon in article
(A) 270. (B) 267
(C) 281. (D) 247

73. Ethanol is chemically
(A) Monohydric. (B) Dihydric.A
(C) Trihydric. (D) Tetrahydric.

74. Lachasia is introduced by
(A) Kent. (B) Boening Hausen.
(C) Herring. (D) Lippe.

75. Petroselinum belongs to
(A) Mineral source. (B) Plant source.
(C) Chemical source. (D) Animal source.

76. All Mother tinctures are standardized at 1/10 D.S. by
(A) Hahnemann. (B) New method
(C) Pharmacopoeia. (D) Organon of medicine.

77. Club moss is the common name for
(A) Thuja. (B) Fucus.
(C) Lycopodium. (D) Arnica.

78. M. Bhattacharya & Co. Pharmacopoeia is published in
(A) 1900. (B) 1892.
(C) 1920. (D) 1972.

79, Purification of commercial Lactose is developed by
(A) Staff. (B) Coolern.
(C) Lavoishe. (D) Dunham.

80. To separate the solute from solvent the method used is
(A) Filtration. (B) Distillation.
(C) Sublimation (D) Decantation

81. In class IX of old method the drug and vehicle ratio is:
A)1:9 B)1:99
C)2:9 C)1:4

82. Digitalis belongs to the family
(A) Compositae. (B) Scrophluraceae
(C) Solanaceae. (D) Rananculaceae.

83. Bufo rana is the drug prepared from
(A) Toad.
(B) Snail.
(C) Snake. (D) Lizard.

84. Santonine is the active principle of:
(A) Belladonna. (B) Satalum album
(C) Cina.
(D) Pulsatilla.

85. Rule 67 of Sale of Homoeo drugs the duration of licence is discussed in
(A) 67-C. (B) 67-D.
(C) 67-E. (D) 67-EB.

86. Route of administration of drugs is dealt in
(A) Pharmacognosy. (B) Pharmacology
(C) Pharmaconomy.
(D) Pharmacoproxy.

87. One who conduct proving experiment is called
(A) Prover.
(C) Master prover. (D) None of the above.
(B) Ideal prover.

88.Temporary Hardness of water is because of the presence of:
(A) Sulphates .(B) Phosphates.
(C) Carbonates. (D) Chlorides.

89. Decimal potencies are explained in
(A) V edition of Organon.(B) VI edition of Organon.
(C) Both the two.(D) None of the above.

90. Night blooming Cereus is the name for-
(A) Helianthus anus. (B) Cactus g
(C) Claendula,, (D) ChamomiUa.

91. Passion flower of Passiflora incamata the part used is
(A) Leaves (B) Roots.
(C) Flowers. (D) Fruits.

92. Skunk is the material obtained from
(B) Toad skin.
(A) Musk deer.
(C) Anal gland of wild cat.
(D) Snake venum.

93. Propaintriol ia the chemical name of
(A) Methyl alcohol (B) Ethyl alcohol.
(C) Glycerin (D) Benzene

94. Mercurialifl perinnis belongs to
(A) Animal kingdom.
(B) Mineral kingdom
(C) Plant kingdom.
(D) Chemicals.

95. I.H.P. Vol I contain Monographs of:
(A) 170 Drugs.
(B) 210 Drugs.
(C) 118 Drugs. (D) 180 Drugs

96. Extraction of Mother tinctures from dry drug materials is carried out by the process of:
(A) Filteration.
(B) Sublimation.
(C) Maceration. (D) Percolation.

97. Karl Fisher method of moisture estimation is otherwise known as :
(A) Gravimetric method (B) Tolune method.
(C) Volumetric method. (D) Titrimetric method.

98. Imponderable drugs are introduced by Hahnemann in Organon of medicine in the article
(A) 274 .(B) 267.
(C) 282. (D) 286.

99. Homoeopathic doses are synonymous for
(A) Infmitissimal doses. (B) Microdoses.
(C) Minimal doses.(D) Optimal doses.

100. Common name of Andrographis paniculata is
(A) Babchi. (B) Somraj
(C) Kalmegh. . (D). Kurchi.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Kerala PSC Homeo Medical Officer Exam 2013

Kerala PSC Homeo Medical Officer Exam 2013

1. Commonest type of non-hodgkin’s lymphoma is
a) B cell
b) T cell
c) Null Cell
d) Histiocytic
2. Earliest symptom of Ca Larynx
a) Hoarseness of voice
b) Stridor
c) Cough
d) Hemoptysis
3. Aversion even to smell of egg
a) Colchicum
b) Ars
c) sepia
4. Effective medicine in gallstone colic
a) Chionanthus vir.
b) Cubeba
d)  none of these
5. 2nd observation of Kent is
a) Prolonged aggravation with final decline
b) Prolonged aggravation, final & slow improvement
6. World AIDS day
a) Dec 7
b) July 7
c) Dec 01
7. ABO Blood group system was introduced by
a) Karl Landsteiner
b)  leannec
8. Rheumatic heart disease is associated with
a) Mitral stenosis
b) Mitral insufficiency
c) Mitral and aortic stenosis
d) Mitral stenosis and insufficiency
9. Acute severe asthma is new term for
a) Status asthmatics
b)  acute Asthma
10. Alpha protein is lowered in maternal blood in……….
a) Multiple pregnancy
b) Down’s syndrome
c) Neural tube defects
d) Renal agenesis
11. Mask like facies seen in……..
a)  Stroke
b)  Parkinsonism

12. Longest part of fallopian tube
a)  Ampullary
b)  Infundibular
c)  Interstitial
d)  Isthmus
13. Inimical to causticum
a)  Ars
b)  Phos
14. Tomb stone appearance seen in……………
a)  Eczema
b)  Lichen Plannus
c)  Pemphigus
d)  All
15. Venous emboli most commonly get lodged in
a) Heart
b) Lungs
c) Kidney
d) Brain
16. Hepatic amebic abscess usually get ruptured to
a) Pericardium
b) Peritoneum
c) Intestine
d) Right lung
17. Prophylactic medicine for african fever & malaria
a)  Terebinth
b)  China
18. Edward syndrome is…………..
a)  Trisomy 13
b)  Trisomy 18
c)  Trisomy 21
d)  None
19. Chromosome pattern in complete hydatidiform mole
a) 46XX
b) 45XO
c) 69XXX
d) 69XXY
20. Commonest cause of first trimester abortion is
a) Chromosomal abnormalities
b) Cervical incompetence
c) Placental insufficiency
d) Rh incompatibility
21. Commonest creatine kinase in acute M.I
a) CK-MM
d) All
22. In fatty liver due to alcoholism
a) Reduced utilisation of tryglycerides
b) Increased fatty acid production
23. Cold sweat around nose is a symptom of……….
a) Veratrum alb
b) China
c) Thuja
24. Call-Exner bodies are seen in
a) Arrhenoblastoma
b) Granulosa cell tumor
c) Brenner tumor
25. Sclera becomes yellow when serum bilirubin level exceeds…………..
a)  1mg %
b)  3mg%
c)  5mg%
d)  7mg%
26. Residual Chlorine in drinking water..
a)  0.2ppm
b)  0.5ppm
c)  0.8ppm
d)  1.5ppm
27. Which of the following is used to disinfect clinical thermometre
a) Dettol
b) Savlon
c) Iodine
28. Broad urinary castes are seen in………..
a) Acute glonarulonephritis
b) Chronic glomarulo nephritis
c) Acute renal failure
d) Nephritic syndrome
29. Biologically complete protein means protein containing
a)  16% Nitrogen
b)  Protein containing all essential amino acids
c)  protein containing   amino acids in right proportion
30. Chemical causing lathyrism
a) Beta-oxdyl amino alanine
b) Alpha-oxidyl amino arginine
c) Beta-oxidyl amino arginine
31. Diagnostic feature of scabies
a)  Itching
b)  Pruritus
c)  Burrows
d) None
32. Commonest childhood skin infection
a) Molluscum contagiosum
b) Impetigo contagiosa
c) Scabies
d) Warts
33. Commonest cause of secondary amenorrhoea
a)  PCOD
b)  Pregnancy
34. Immunoglobulin present in human milk
a)  IgG
b)  IgE
c)  Igm
d)  IgA
35. Cholesterol most associated with atherosclerosis…………..
a) LDL
c) HDL
d) Triglycerides
36. Testosterone is produced in ………………..cells of testes
a) Leydig cells
b) Tunica albuginea
c) Stertoli cells
d) Rete cells
37. Trio of menier’s disease
a) Deafness, trembling, nausea
b) Deafness, vertigo and tinnitus
38. Roth’s spots are seen in
a) Abdomen
b) Palms
c) Retina
39. Nerve commonly involved in leprosy
a) Radial.N
b) Median.N
c) Ulnar N
d) Femoral.N
40. Incubation period of mumps
a) 14 days
b) 10 days
c) 18 days
41. Hemoplysis with bright red blood in morning and dark blood in evening
a) Puls
b) Acalypha indica
42. Which of the following medicine is useful in wrist rheumatism
a) Acon
b) Actea spicata
43. Everything appears violent for medicine
a)  Carb-sulph
b)  Cina
44. Wernicke’s encephalopathy is due to deficiency of which vitamin?
a) Thiamine
b) Rihoflavin
45. Which of the following is deficient in vitamin.c?
a) Green leafy vegetables
b) Fish
c) Meat
d) Cereals
46. Annoying itching inside nostrils & roof of mouth
a) Allium cepa
b) Nux
c) Ars iod
d) Arundo
47. Inimical to sepia
a) Lyco
b) Ign
c) Natmur
d) Lach
48. Commonest cancer in Indian women
a) Ovarian ca
b) Ca cervix
c) Endometrial ca
49. No of medicines proven by Dr. Kent
a) 16
b) 31
c) 36
d) 28
50. All the medicines have pain head over right side except..
a) Bell
b) Prunus
d) Spigelia
51. What is wrong about Naso pharyngeal cancer
a) It is common in south east asia
b) Incidence is exclusively in males
c) Related to E B Virus
d) Prognosis is fatal
52. Incubation period of anthrax
a) 2weeks
b) 10-14days
c) 2-5 days
d) 2-4weeks
53. Most heat sensitive vaccine is
a) Hepatitis
b) Polio
c) BCG
d) None
54. Boenning hausen was born in the year
a) 1755
b) 1775
c) 1785
d) 1795
55. Commonest child hood cancer
a) Lukemia
b) Wilm’s tumour
c)  neuroblastoma
56. Which of the following is a dependent edema
a) Pulmonary edema
b) Cardiac edema
57. ‘Onion peel appearance’ seen in xray of
a) Chondrosarcoma
b) Ewing’s sarcoma
c) Osteosarcoma
58. A  c shaped widened duodenum in Xray is indicative of
a) Pyloric stenosis
b) Ca head of pancreas
59. ‘String sign of kantor’ seen in
a) Pyloric stenosis
b) Crohn’s disease
c) TB ileocecal region
d) All
60. ‘Double bubble’ appearance in Xray in infants present when
a)  Volvulus
b)  Intussusception
c)  Pyloric stenosis
d) duodenal atressia
61. Type of degeneration a fibroid may undergo during pregnancy
a) Cystic
b) Hyaline
c) Red
d) Fatty
62. Herald patch is seen in
a) Psoriasis
b) Lichen plannus
c) Ptyriaisis rosea
d) Ptyriasis versicolor
63. Koebner’s phenomenon present in
a) Lichen Planus
b) Vitiligo
c) Psoriasis
d) All
64. Medicine which ameliorated by going to sea shore
a) Med
b) Nat mur
c) Platina
d) Bromium
65. Commonest type of ovarian cancer
a) Serous cystadenoma
b) Mucinous cystadenoma
c) Teratoma
66. Pregnant uterus become palpable per abdomen by-week
a) 12 weeks
b) 8 weeks
c) 16 weeks
d) 14 weeks
67. Trans section of axon cause
b) Enlargement of schwann cells
c) Wallarian degeneration
d) Axonal degeneration
68. Child recognises & smiles at
a)  2 months
b)  4 months
69. Lack of concentration while calculating
a) Sulph
b) Nux vom
c) Phos
d) Lyco.
70. Hcg hormone present at peak value at………. days of gestation
a) 60-70
b) 70-90
c) 110-130
d) 100- 110
71. Post coital bleeding is a symptom of
a) Belladonna
b) Argentum nit
c) Puls
d) Calc
72. Which medicine is inimical to zinc
a)   Chamomilla
b)   Nux vom
c)   Both
d)  None
73. Inimical to staphysagria
a) Sep
b) Ranunculus bulbosus
c) Zinc
74. Medicine which remove bad effects of tobacco & alcoholism
a) Veratrum
b) Nux vom
c) Sulphuric acid
75. Which is of highest calorific value?
a) Egg
b) Meat
c) Fish
d) Sweet potatoe
76. Medicine for ulcerated throat & left sided tonsillitis
a) Merc-bin iod
b) Merc.protoiod
c) Merc.dulcis
d) Merc.sulph.
77. Most contagious miasm according to Hahnemann
a) Psora
b) Sycosis
c) Syphilis
d) Tubercular
78. Epidermal cell matures  at
a) 1 week
b) 2 weeks
c) 3 weeks
d) 4 weeks
79.caput succedaeneum is characterised by
a) appears in 12- 24 hours
b) extends across suture lines
c) pits on pressure
80.Trans abdominal  USG for chorionic villous sampling done at
a.9-11 weeks
b.11-14 weeks

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Materia Medica Multiple Choice Questions

Materia Medica Multiple Choice Questions

1.Delirium with constant raving;tries to get out of bed;in typhoid or typhus ;the indicated medicine is
a)coca    b)cannabis indica    c)strammonium    d)agaricus muscarius

2.Which of the following medicine is fastidious
a)lycopodium     b)aconitum napellus    c)carcinosinum     d)tuberculinum

3.Medicine for sudden call to stool,yellow substance like pulp of orange in stool is
a)aloe socotrina       b)natrum carb     c)sulphur      d)trombidium

4.Like sulphur in many chronic diseaseswith abdominal plethora and congestion of portal circulation ;develops suppressed eruption.
a)psorinum       b)agaricus     c)aloe socotrina         d)cuprum met

5.this medicine often cures lasciviousness when Hyos fails.
a)sulphur       b)phosphorous      c)strammonium      d)nitric acid

6.mouth ulcer with stomach carcinoma ‘is the symptom of which medicine
a)condurango     b)bismuthum        c)ornithogallum      d)carboic acid

7.feels unusually well day before an acute attack of disease
a) veratrum viride       b)opium      c)psorinum       d)strammonium

8.which of the following medicine follows bell well in deafness after apoplexy
a)pulsatilla       b)merc sol      c)arnica        d)hyoscyamus

9.cures muscular weakness following excessive use of opium and tobacco.
a)muriatic acid           b)psorinum        c)sulphuric acid               d)nitric acid

10.which medicine has aversion for bread during pregnancy.
a)Sepia              b)lycopodium       c)colchicum            d)arsenicum album root is
a)spigelia           b)sanguinaria        c)phytolacca            d)caulophyllum

12.persons of light complexion ,blonds,thin ,spare, irritable ;subject to hepatic ,gastric,and abdominal complaints;every age sex and temperament..
a)nitric acid            b)chelidonium            c)nux vomica           d)bryonia

13.complimentary medicine of calcarea phos
a)calcarea carb          b)natrum phos          c)ruta          c)china arnica rhus tox in contusions ;ars , cancer ;calc.,psor.,in glandular swellings
a)bromium       b)iodium     c)belladonna        d)conium mac

15.diarrhea:during a spell of hot weather;bilious,acrid with soreness of anus ;like dirty water ;of undigested food;
a)bryonia         b)podophyllum       c)veratrum alb        d)cuprum met

16.child is afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on a paroxysm of coughing.
A)cina alone       b)cina and spongia       c)cina and bryonia         d)drosera

17.aggravation :cold ;during menses,during new moon ;uncovering especially the head,lying down
a)hepar sulph      b) natrum mur      c)silicea         d)calcarea

18.suppuration of lungs ,after hemorrhage of pneumonia
a)merc ,kali carb           b)merc alone          c)kali carb alone           d)merc ,kali carb,amm.carb

19.loses the breath when falling asleep,must awaken to get breath
a)amm.carb        b)lachesis        c)grindelia           d)all the above

20.the bad effects of ignatia antidote by
a)nux vom           b)sulphur          c)calcarea          d)pulsatilla

21.patient trembles ,legs weak, stumbles easily or makes mis-steps
a)zinc          b)causticum          c)phosphoric acid             d)agaricus

22.sneezing and coryza from putting hands in water is the symptom of
a)phosphorous            b)lac defloratum       c)both             d)none

23.great dryness of mouth in the morning,without thirst
a)mercurious          b)pulsatilla       c)apis mel            d)none

24.disagrees, either used before or after rhus –tox
a)nux vom           b)bryonia          c)apis mel           d)phosphorous

25.cough short and dry ,or deep and loose ,during pregnancy.
a)conium and bryonia       b)antim tart and apocyanum        c)conium and apocyanum      d)antim tart and bryonia

26.acute or chronic diseases from unusual ;or long continued mental exertion.
a)staphysagria        b)colocynth      c)argentum nitricum           d)antim crud

27. great weakness of chest, cannot bear to talk.
A) digitalis.        B) phosphorous     C) bryonia.      D) drosera

28. eyeballs: sore to touch; pain as if they would be pulled back in to head.
A) hepar sulph only .          B)hepar, oleander , par          C) hepar sulph and physostigma          d) none of the above

29. intense sleeplessness of irritable, excitable persons from business embarrassments, oft en imaginary
A) bryonia.          B) belladonna       C) hyoscyamus Niger .       D) stramonium

30. canine hunger ; the more he eats, the more he craves; headache if he does not eat .
A) natrum Mur .        B) sulphur          C) iodum.             D) Ly copodium.

31. for light haired, irresolute persons of a phlegmatic temperament
A) mezerium.            B) pulsatilla           C) Kali bich.            D) Agnus castus

32. uncertainity in walking, stumbling gait, stumbles over everything in the way; feels pain as if beaten, when standing.
A) Causticum.          B) agaricus       C) zincum met .            D) cuprum met

33.palpitation of heart is felt in the face.
A)digitalis.             B) muriatic acid              C) amylum nitrosum.                D) glonoinum

34. acts promptly by inhalation; resuscitate persons sinking under anaesthetics
A) camphor .              B) amylum nitrosum.            C) carbo veg.            D) all of the above

35. ulcers: red edges and vesicles; decubitus; copious discharge, violent pains, like streaks of Lightning, confined to a small spot .
A) mezerium.           B)Merc Sol .            C) fluoric acid             d)graphites

36. gastralgia: of pregnancy ; with pressing, drawing pains; whenever stomach is empty; relieved by constant eating.
A) nux vomica.               B) arsenicum album            C) petroleum.                D) phosphorous

37. relieved by constant eating, the medicines are. . . .
A) anacardium and chelidonium.           B) anacardium and allium cepa        C) petroleum and chelidonium.              D)all the above

38. burning sore pain in heels, when sitting standing or walking in openair . .
A) agar, Causticum, phytolacca, cyclamen.           B) valerian, pulsatilla, rhus tox           C) all the abov e.           D) none of the above.

39. small boils in any part of body , but not especially in external auditory canal
A) pulsatilla.          B) picric acid           C) cicuta virosa.           D) silicea

40. satiety of life, with taciturnity and fear of death.
A) silicea.            B) platinum met .          C) nitric acid.            D) nux vomica

41. burning along spine and great weakness of spine and back; softeni ng of cord.
A) phosphorous, zincum met , picric acid.            B)phosphorous and agaricus           C)phosphorous only            d) none

42. middle of lower lip cracked.
A) hepar sulph.           B) Natrum Mur             C) both of the above .          D) none of the above

43. cannot spell correctly ; wonder show a well known name is spelled.
A) psorinum            B) medorrhinum        C) lac caninum.                    D) cannabis indica

44. body painfully sensitive to touch; parts touched feel chilly; touch sends shudder through the whole frame
A) hepar sulph.            B) spigelia        C) arnica.              D) chamomilla

45. melancholy , despondent , morose, irritable, fretful , peevish, taciturnity , sulky ; naturally of a sweet disposition, now on the border line of insanity .
A) syphilinum.            B) baryta carb           C) tuberculin.             D)Lachesis

46. severe dull pain in the bladder , as from distension, not ameliorated after urinat ing.
A) cantharis.               B)Lycopodium              C) Berberis vulg                D) equisetum

47. Bone pains affecting back, head, chest , limbs, especially the wrists, as if dislocated. the more general and severe, the better adapted. . .
A)Eupatorium.              B) rhu stox                    C)Bryonia.             D) Merc.

48. Headache: of drunkards; af er debauchery ; after lemonade, tea, wine; every after noon.
A) agaricus.           B) selenium met            C) argentums nitricum.                D) nux vom

49. after pains: too long; too painful ; hourglass contraction.
A)caulophyllum.              B) secale cor             C) Sabina.               D) nux vom

50. child headstrong, obstinate, cries and kicks; cross, irritable, quickly alternates with laughter ; does not want to be touched.
A)cina.              B)chamomilla              C) antim crud.                   D) sanicula

51. one of our best antidotes for leadpoisoning.
A) petroleum.               B)pulsatilla                C) platinum met .              D) petroselinum

52.regurgitation and eructation of food in mouthfuls.without nausea
A)Alumina           b)ferrum met           c)nux vom                d)antim crud

53.cholera infantum ,with reflex irritation of brain,before effusion.
A)veratrum album          b)cuprum met          C)kali brom               d)podophyllum

54.daily colic of infant at 4pm
a)kali brom            b)lycopodium           c)colocynth                d)lycopodium and colocynth

55.haemoptysis:incipient phthisis ,with bloody sputa ;in advanced stages with copious ,purulent expectoration and troublesome cough.
a)drosera                b)kali bich            c)trillium pendulum                 d)millefolium

56.excessive sexual irritation driving to self abuse,
a)murex purpura            b)sepia           c)selenium met                  d)zincum met

57.carotid and submaxillary glands indurated after diphtheria, scarlet fever .
a)iodum             b)bromium            c)phytolacca            d)natrum mur

58.sensation as if a thread were hanging down throat
a)silicea          b)valeriana           c)sabadilla               d)natrum mur

59.cerebro spinal diseases ;with spasms ,dilated pupils,titanic convulsions,opisthotonos;cold,clammy perspiration.
a)veratrum viride         b)veratrum alb         c)carbo veg            d)all the above

60.slow of perception ;intellectual torpor ,gradually increasing apathy.
a)platinum met            b)zincum met             c)plumbum met             d)phosphoric acid

61.hemoptysis:tickling cough,with taste of blood or sulphur ,venous ,without effort or coughing ;some times monthly ,for years
a)acalypha indica           b)drosera           c)spongia             d)hamamelis

62.aphonia :complete ,after exposure to north –west wind ;
a)aconite          b)hepar sulph              c)arum tryphyllum              d)all the above

63.sanguine,ruddy people ,with black hair and eyes;lively ,restless ,anxious about the future.
a)aurum met            b)causticum         c)merc sol             d)nitric acid

64.joints weak,easily sprained by slight exertion.
a)carbo animalis         b)rhus tox       c)guaicum               d)calcarea carb

65.weakness of memory and slowness of thought
a)anacardium              b)cannabis indica            c)carboveg                  d)medorrhinum

66.tall lean stooping persons ,dark complexion ,sanguine choleric temperament.
a)phosphorous              b)coffea            c)sulphur                d)all the above

67.relieves ailments resulting from abuse of mercury,especially if there be erethism;bad effects of repeated doses of digitalis.
a)nux vomica           b)nitric acid           c)thuja            d)sulphur

68.this medicine antidotes mercurial ,lead colic ,oil of turpentine ,spirituous liquors,and especially the effects of bad beer.
a)Platinum met             b)merc sol           c)thuja                d)nux moschata

69.swallows without pain ,but fluids are vomited or returned by the nose ;breath horribly offensive.
a)bapticia tinctoria            b)diphtherinum           c)psorinum                 c)anthracinum

70.felons;early when pains are sharp and agonising ,when pricking is first felt;nails brittle.
a)silicea              b)hepar sulph               c)merc sol                 d)dioscorea

71.cinchona antidotes the direct action of this drug and increases the anxiety.
a)digitalis               b)nux vomica                c)apocyanum                d)arsenicum album

72.for persons who are wearing out under the physical and mental strain of a busy life;who suffer from exhausted nerves and brain.
a)aconite           b)coca           c)fluoric acid              d)nux vom

73.rapid caries of teeth;fistula dentalis or lachrimalis;exostosis of bones of face.
a)coca           b)phosphoric acid       c)hecla lava               d)silicea

74.constipation ,with ineffectual urging >by drinking cold milk.
a)causticum           b)graphites               c)iodum             d)all the above

75.pains as if bones were torn to pieces
a)eupatorium      b)rhus tox     c)chamomilla          d)ipecac

76.should not be given during lying in period ,except in high potencies.-Hering
a)sepia          b)iodum         c)staphysagria               d)nitric acid

77.antim tart follows well in catarrhal affections and skin diseases.
a)psorinum             b)kali bich               c)lycopodium               d)kali carb follows spigelia well in heart diseases.
a)kalmia            b)ledum pal          c)digitalis                 d)gelsemium

79.obesity;fatty degeneration
a)ammonium mur           b) calcarea carb            c)lac defloratum              d)lachesis

80.adapted to the rheumatic, gouty diathesis ;constitutions abused by alcohol
a)rhus tox            b)bryonia           c)calcarea               d)ledum pal

81.urine of a deep orange red colour ;copious red sediment
a)sepia            b)nitric acid           c)lobelia                 d)kreosotum of rhododendron chrysanthum
a)anacardiaceae                b)ericaceae              c)loganaceae                  d)cruciferae

83.renal colic :violent spasmodic pains along ureter,left side;deathly nausea and cold perspiration.
a)bereberis vulg            b)lycopodium            c)tabaccum              d)cantharis

84.”on blowing the nose a pressing pain in the hollow tooth or at the side of it.”said by
A)Hering           b)Boenninghausen         c)Hahnemann             d)Kent

85.cough deep ,dry ,precedes the fever paroxysms
a)china                 b)sambuccus            c)ipecac                  d)cedron is intolerable :produces nervousness,goes through bone and marrow.
a)thuja           b)natrum carb          c)Sabina              d)aconite

87.aching in and over eyes ,with blurred vision ,as if they had been strained.
a)symphytum            b)ruta            c)euphrasia                  d)rhus tox

88.sensation of lump in throat ;descends on swallowing,but returns immediately.
a)hepar sulph            b)nitric acid              c)rumex crispus               d)argentum nitricum

89.terrible toothache during early months of pregnancy;tooth feels elongated;<lying,compelling to rise and walk about.
a)pulsatilla              b)chammomilla            c)coffea                  d)ratanhia

90.latent pyrogenic process,patient continually relapsing after apparent similimum
a)anthracinum            b)pyrogenium           c)psorinum                d)sulphur

91.constipation :obstinate with backache;from inactivity of rectum;when sulphur fails to relieve.
a)psorinum            b)graphites              c)causticum               d)tuberculinum

92.violent cramps in feet,calves;thighs;with watery,painless stools.
a) cuprum met               b)podophyllum            c)veratrum alb                d)none of the above

93.sudden retrocession of acute exanthema results in paralysis of brain or convulsions.
a)opium          b)sulphur           c)psorinum               d)cuprum met

94.tubercular pharingitis
a)hepar sulph            b)tuberculinum             c)merc bin iodatus              d)merc sol

95.aggravation: approach of a storm;rainy ,changeable weather.
a)melilotus          b)rhododendron         c)phosphorous             d)rhus tox

96.urine :pale ,yellow,can only be passed by bearing down with abdominal muscles ;weakness of bladder.
a)mag mur            b)zincum met               c)phos-acid                d)picric acid

97.saliva:tough ,ropy, viscid ,froathy in mouth and throat,with constant spitting.
a)nux moschata          b)lyssinum              c)mercurious                d)lycopodium

98.tormented about her salvation ,with ovarian or uterine complaints;consolation <.
a)liium tig            b)lycopodium                c)medorrhinum            d)lachesis

99.when walking sems to be walking on air;when lying ,does not seem to touch the bed
a)sticta              b)lac caninum             c)arsenicum album                d)bufo rana

100.nursing sore mouth ;tongue large ;shows imprint of teeth.
a)mercurious                  b)podophyllum             c)hydrastis              d)chelidonium