Saturday, March 17, 2018

Primary examination pathology MCQs

Primary examination pathology MCQs

1.Which of the following changes is associated with irreversible cell damage?
A. glycogen depletion
B. flocculent densities in mitochondria
C. cellular swelling.
D. loss of microvilli.

2. 20.Irreversible cellular injury is characterised by all, EXCEPT
A. progressive loss of phospholipids.
B. decreased activity of Na+ / K+ ATPase causing cellular swelling.
 C. damage to the cellular cytoskeleton.
D. the presence of reactive O2 species.

3.Free radicals
A. are not a byproduct of metabolism.
B. can only form in the presence of oxygen.
C. may arise by absorption of radiant energy.
D. are removed with the aid of Vitamin A derivatives.

4.Apoptosis occurs in all but one of the following situations
A. embryogenesis.
B. bacterial infection.
C. menstruation.
D. tumours.

5.A substance that is not known to accumulate intracellularly is
A. melanin.
B. haemosiderin.
C. tattoo ink.
D. pus.

6.Concerning vascular leakage with acute inflammation
A. endothelial cell contraction preferentially occurs in arterioles 20-60 μm in diameter.
B. tumour necrosis factor (TNF) affects leakage by direct endothelial cell necrosis.
C. immediate sustained response is due to widening of intercellular gaps.
D. chemically mediated endothelial contraction is usually reversible.

7.Regarding the cellular mechanisms of vascular leakage, which of the following is INCORRECT
A. the ‘immediate transient response’ only occurs in venules of 20-60 μm diameter.
B. sunburn can cause a delayed and prolonged vascular leakage.
C. the endothelial injury caused by leukocytes is due to free radical-induced damage.
D. the cytoskeletal and junctional retraction mechanism is mediated by the complement system.

8.Cell adhesion molecules
A. includes selectins.
B. assist in white cell pavementing.
C. involve endothelium.
D. all of the above.

9.Leukocyte adhesion with transmigration involves all of the following EXCEPT
A. migration of leukocytes as a result of stasis of blood flow in the microvasculature.
B. interaction of integrins with immunoglobulin found on endothelial cells.
C. the selectins found only on endothelial cells.
D. ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 adhesive molecules on the endothelial cells.

10.The directional movement of a cell or organism in response to a chemical gradient is best called
A. diapedesis.
B. emigration.
C. cytopempsis.
D. chemotaxis.

11.The chemical mediator NOT responsible for chemotaxis is
A. cytokines.
B. C5a.
C. bradykinin.
D. bacterial products.

12.Histamine exerts its effect during inflammation by
A. vasoconstriction of post capillary sphincters.
B. constriction of large arteries.
C. acting on H2 receptors on mast cells.
D. causing venular endothelial contraction.

13.The following are all actions of bradykinin EXCEPT
A. increased vascular permeability.
B. activation of complement pathway.
C. smooth muscle contraction.
D. dilation of blood vessels.

A. directly converts C5 to C5a.
B. negatively inhibits activation of Hageman Factor.
C. has high molecular weigh kininogen as a precursor.
D. is inactivated by kininase.

15.In the complement system, which is not true?
A. C3a, C5a cause vasodilation, and increased vascular permeability.
B. C5a is a powerful chemotactic agent.
C. C5a activates the cyclo-oxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism.
D. C5 can be activated by kallikrein.

16.With regard to eicosanoids
A. main action of LTB4 is to increase permeability.
B. PGE2 causes intense vasoconstriction.
C. permeability increase caused by LTD4 restricted to venules.
D. LTC4, LTD4, LTE4, are important vasodilators.

17.Regarding complement
A. C5a is an important opsonising molecule.
B. C3b has chemotactic function.
C. it cannot cause cytolysis of bacteria in the absence of immune complexes.
D. C3a may cause mast cell degranulation.

18.Generalised oedema results from all of the following disorders EXCEPT
A. systemic hypertension
C. cirrhosis
D. nephrotic syndrome

19.Disorders that predispose to thrombosis include all of the following EXCEPT
A. pancreatic cancer
B. pregnancy
C. vitamin K deficiency
D. sickle cell anaemia

20.In which of the following situations is a thrombus likely to contain the least admixed blood clot
A. saccular aneurysms
B. phlebothrombosis
C. thrombophlebitis
D. rheumatic vegetations

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Human Anatomy & Physiology MCQs

Human Anatomy & Physiology Objective Questions

1.Anatomy is a term, which means the study of ......
A) physiology
B) morphology
C) cell functions
D) human functions

2.The study dealing with the explanations of how an organ works would be an example of ......
A) anatomy
B) cytology
C) teleology
D) physiology

3.The process of turning molecules that are ingested into forms that are compatible with the organism is ......
A) digestion
B) absorption
C) assimilation
D) circulation

4.The exchanging of gases for the purpose of producing energy is called ......
A) breathing
B) respiration
C) circulation
D) responsiveness

5.The removal of a compound that the body no longer requires is called ......
A) secretion
B) excretion
C) movement
D) digestion

6.When a nurse takes someone's temperature, they are directly assessing a ......
A) metabolic activity
B) sign of illness
C) vital sign
D) core temperature

7.The following are essential needs of the body except which one?
A) water
B) chemicals
C) set point
D) pressure

8.The force that water exerts on a system is referred to as the .....___.
A) hydrophilic factor
B) hydrostatic pressure
C) atmospheric pressure
D) osmotic pressure

9.The transportation of heat in the body is mainly a property of the ..... it contains.
A) food
B) oxygen
C) water
D) pressure

10.The process in which cells and organisms are able to maintain a stable balance of internal and external substances and forces is called ......
A) equilibrium
B) adaptation
C) adjustment
D) homeostasis

11.The following is an example of a homeostatic event.
A) sweating during a test
B) shivering when it is cold
C) developing a headache
D) muscle strain

12.The following are examples of homeostatic parameters or body values except which one?
A) heart rate
B) blood pressure
C) blood glucose levels
D) insulin production

13.A decrease in blood glucose that causes the inhibition of insulin is an example of ......
A) positive feedback
B) negative feedback
C) abnormal function
D) the action of glucagon 

14.The orbital cavity would contain the ......
A) eyes
B) nasal septum
C) brain
D) teeth     

15.The following are correct cavity terms except which one?
A) oral
B) nasal
C) frontal
D) middle ear 

16.Another name for the cavity in the front or belly side is ..... .
A) dorsal
B) ventral
C) abdominopelvic
D) vertebral 

17.The ..... membranes surround the lungs.
A) pericardial
B) mediastinal
C) pleural
D) peritoneal

18.Which of the following would not be lined by peritoneum?
A) heart
B) stomach
C) intestines
D) liver

19.The following are sinus areas except which one?
A) frontal
B) maxillary
C) ethmoid
D) cranial

20.The ..... system plays a role in moving fluids, wastes, and bones?
A) skeletal
B) integumentary
C) muscular
D) nervous

21.The skin belongs to the ..... system.
A) nervous
B) integumentary
C) circulatory
D) muscular 

22.Integration and coordination are properties of the ..... system of organs.
A) nervous
B) circulatory
C) excretory
D) muscular

23.Hormones are chemicals of the ..... system that affect target areas.
A) cardiovascular
B) endocrine
C) exocrine
D) nervous 

24.The following belong together except which one?
A) pituitary
B) thyroid
C) brain
D) adrenal

25.The following is an example of positive feedback:
A) glucagon raises blood sugar
B) insulin lowers blood glucose
C) a temperature of 100.2F causes a further increase
D) 100.1F is followed by 98.6F

26.A system is defined as a group of ..... that function together.
A) cells
B) tissues
C) molecules
D) organs   

27.The structures called ..... are intracellular areas with specific living functions.
A) inclusions
B) organs
C) organelles
D) macromolecules
28.Proteins and carbohydrates are classified as ......
A) macromolecules
B) microbes
C) organelles
D) atoms 

29.The following belong together except which one?
A) head
B) arm
C) neck
D) trunk

30.Simple squamous epithelium is a ..... term.
A) tissue
B) cell
C) organ
D) pathology

31.The ..... separates the thoracic from abdominal cavities.
A) pelvis
B) rib cage
C) diaphragm
D) peritoneum 

32.The following belong together except which one?
A) brain
B) vertebral canal
C) spinal cord
D) stomach   

33.The heart lies specifically in the ..... space.
A) thoracic cavity
B) mediastinum
C) abdominal cavity
D) pleural cavity 

34.The following belong together except which one?
A) trachea
B) bronchi
C) esophagus
D) larynx
35.Parts of the pharynx belong to the ..... and digestive systems.
A) respiratory
B) circulatory
C) nervous
D) skeletal

36.The larynx is a term in the ..... system.
A) integumentary
B) respiratory
C) digestive
D) nervous

37.The ..... system returns tissue fluids to the heart.
A) circulatory
B) lymphatic
C) integumentary
D) histologic

38.The function of the ..... is to remove soluble wastes from the body.
A) lungs
B) gastrointestinal tract
C) kidneys
D) skin   

39.The following are components of the excretory system except which one?
A) lungs
B) large intestine
C) integument
D) salivary glands

40.The bulbourethral glands would be found in the ..... system.
A) reproductive
B) excretory
C) circulatory
D) endocrine

41.A tumor on top of the head would be on the ..... surface.
A) inferior
B) superior
C) medial
D) lateral

42.The navel is located on the ..... surface.
A) cranial
B) ventral
C) dorsal
D) inferior

43.The wrist is the ..... part of the hand region.
A) proximal
B) distal
C) superior
D) inferior

44.A medial tumor on the head could be on the ......
A) ear
B) cheeks
C) nose
D) eye

45.The wrist is ..... to the fingers with respect to the elbow.
A) distal
B) inferior
C) superior
D) proximal 

46.The arms lie on the ..... surface of the trunk.
A) medial
B) lateral
C) distal
D) posterior

47.A ..... section divides an organ into top and bottom.
A) sagittal
B) oblique
C) coronal
D) transverse

48.Which of the following is the same as inguinal?
A) epigastric
B) hypochondriac
C) lumbar
D) iliac

49.The lower ribs are below the ..... region.
A) lumbar
B) epigastric
C) hypogastric
D) hypochondriac

50.A ..... section divides the body into right and left.
A) coronal
B) transverse
C) sagittal
D) frontal