Thursday, November 30, 2017

Homoeopathic Management of Eczema


               Eczema is a polymorphic inflammatory reaction pattern of the skin involving the epidermis and skin. The term eczema literally means to boil over. The term eczema and dermatitis use interchangeably. Dermatitis is a general term which denotes any skin disorder. It is classified into two types. Endogenous ( Due to constitutional or internal factors)and exogenous type(Due to external agents). Depending on the morphology of eruption, eczema can be decided into two. Acute eczema characterised by pruritis, erythemas, oedema, vesiculation, oozing, crusting and scaling. Chronic eczema characterised by pruritis, lichenification, excoriation and either hypo or hyperpigmentation.

Types of Eczema
  • Endogenous
  1. Atopic dermatitis
  2. Seborrheic dematitis
  3. Nummular eczema
  4. Stasis eczema
  5. Pompholyx
  • Exogenous eczema
  1. Allergic contact dermatitis
  2. Irritant contact dermatitis
  3. Photodermatitis
  • Unclassified
  1. Asteatotic eczema
  2. Lichen simplex chronicus
Endogenous Eczema

Atopic dermatitis  
Also known as infantile eczema,flexural eczema, atopic eczema. It is an allergic disease believed  to have an hereditary component,and often runs in families whose  members  also have  fever and asthma. Itchy rash is particularly noticeable on head and scalp,neck,inside of elbows,behind knees,and buttocks.It is very common in developed countries   rising.  
Seborrheic dematitis 
 (“Cradle cap”in  infants) is  condition sometimes classified   form of eczema which is closely related to dandruff. It causes dry or easy peeling of the scalp,eyebrows,and face and sometimes trunk. The condition is harmless except in severe case of cradle cap. In newborns it causes a thick,yellow crusty scalp rash called cradle cap which seams related to lack  biotin,and is often curable. 
Nummular eczema 
It is characterised around spots both of oozing or dry rash,with clear boundaries,often on lower legs.It is usually worse  winter. Cause is unknown,and the condition tends to come and go. 
Stasis eczema 
Also known as varicose eczema. Occurs in  people with impaired circulation,varicose veins ad oedema and particularly common in the ankle area of people over 50. There is redness,scaling, darkening of the skin and itching. The disorder predisposes to leg ulcers. 
Acute,chronic, or reccurent dermatitis of the lateral aspects of fingers,palms ad soles characterised by symmetrical deep  seated pruritic, clear vescicles and later by scaling,fissures ad lichenification, spontaneous remissions can occur  2-3 weeks. Recurrence is  rule. Secondary infection may occur. Hyperhidrosis is common.

Exogenous dermatitis

Allergic  and irritant  dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis result from  delayed reaction to some allergen,such as (poison ivy or nickel) and irritant (resulting from direct reaction to a detergent,such as sodium lauryl sulfate)
Sensitisation of skin after exposure to sunlight or contact with substances  phototoxic or photo allergic effect & characterised by smarting,burning  hyperpigmentation. Common  in summers. Exposed surfaces usually extensor surfaces. Common sites  are face,neck ,hands,forearms and feet.

Homoeopathic medicine for eczema

Is one of the top grade homoeopathic medicines for eczema. Graphites works well in case of both  dry eczema and  moist eczema. The key symptom to look out for in dry eczema before prescribing graphites are – excessively rough,dry skin attended with intense irritation. In moist eczema  skin eruptions will ooze moist,sticky fluid where homoeopahic medicine graphites will give result. Graphite also well work for  eczema between finger  toes oozing glutinous discharge. It is also  good  for eczema of eyelids with red margins and scaliness.
Natrum mur:  
Eczema in bend of limbs.It includes those behind the knee and folds of skin between the elbows. The eczema eruptions in the bends of limbs are dry,chapped,raw,inflammed and crusty in nature. In addition to this, natrum mur  a well indicated homoeopathic medicine for eczema eruptions arising around the margin of the hairline.
Sulphur and psorinum: 
Sulphur is a prominent hmoeopathic medicine for eczema with excessive itching and eczema rash. This is attended with intense scratching and it worsens in the evening and  night.Warmth also aggravate the complaints.  Skin is  very dirty and unhealthy. It can be used in the cases of eczema where there is  history of ointment use.
Psorinum is helpful in dry ,itching eczema where a person scratches until it bleeds and the eczema worsens in the winter and relief during summer. Eczema behind ears. 
 Eczema get worsens during winter. The skin is very rough,hard and thick. Deep cracks appears on  affected skin. The craks may bleed in sometimes. Burning and itching is present on the skin which is highly sensitive to the touch. It also works for the deep cracks in fingertips. 
Eczema with tick,crusty eruptions. There is discharge of glutinous character from these eruptions. In some case pus discharges may observed along with the blood. Discharge is acrid  nature with intolerable itching. On scratching, the itching change places often. Eczema of scalp. The key features here are thick,leather like crusty eruptions on the scalp with sticky or pus like discharge. It is attended with  marked burning and intense itching. The discharge is highly offensive  in nature. The hair get matted together due to the sticky discharge. 
Vinca minor:   
Eczema in scalp. The person vinca minor has  eruptions in spots on the scalp. The eruptions ooze discharge that may result in matting of the hair. Excessive itching with an irresistible desire to scratch predominate. 
Eczema where it is accompanied by asthma. The symptom include dry, rough,itchy skin. Burning sensation in eruptions may  be marked. Cold may worsen the itching and burning. Along with eczema,asthmatic symptoms with marked dyspnoea, suffocative attacks, cough ,constriction in the air passage is present. Eczema with hey fever. Both these conditions may coexist or may alternate with one another.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Homoeopathic Approach in the treatment of Acne

Acne is the most common and most prevalent skin disorder all around the world.70% population of the world are facing this problem at any stage of their adolescent period.The disorder is characterised by obstructing the hair-follicle by horny plugs,and as a result of this inflammation develops later and causing tissue destruction.

Prevalence: At least mild acne affects almost all adolescents.
Age :Onset 12-14 in about 20% subjects.
Gender : Affects both sexes equally.
1 Obstruction of pilosebaceous orifice and formation of comedo.
2 Increased sebum production.
3 Inflammation due to the proliferation of propriobacterium acnes within the follicle.
1 Genetic disposition- acne vulgaris is familial.
2 Cosmetics – frequently seen in women use oil based cosmetics for long periods of time.
3 Menstrual cycle-premenstrual aggravation due to premenstrual oedema of pilosebacious duct.
4Psycological causes- anger and anxiety has relevent role in the formation of acne.
The pathognomonic lesion is the comedo.comedons are small papules that are either open with a dilated follicular ostium with black plugs of keratin(black head) or closed(white head). The comedons develos into inflammatory papules or pustules and sometimes nodules or cysts. Face is the commenest site of involvement,but back , upper chest and shoulder may involved.lesions may leave behind post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and scars. Severly inflammed lesions heal with small but deeper scars known as ice pick scars.
1 Acne excoriee: it is seen indepressed or obsessional young women who often squeeze the lesion. Picking and scrtching the lesion leads to exacerbation of lesions.
2 . Infantile acne : It is seen in the face of some infants, mostly males and disappears spontaneously.
3 Drug induced:Drugs like systemic/tropical steroids induce acne.
4 Acne conglobata: It presents as severe acne with abcesses,burrowing sinuses and scarring.
5 Occupational acne: exposure to cutting oils and lubricating oils cause acne due to occlusion at the site of contact. Oily cosmetics can also cause acne.
Gentle washing of the face with soap and water without vigorous rubbing is recommended. Cosmetics should be non comedogenic. Diet has no affect on acne.
1.William Boericke Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia medica
Acne rosacea, with violet papules on nose, worse in the spring. Acne in young people.
• EUGENIA JAMBOS: Everything appers beautiful and larger. Excitement soon chenging to depression. Acne simple and indurated. The pimples are painful some distance around. Acne rosacea. Nausea better smoking . comedons.
• JUGLANS REGIA: Skin eruptions are prominent.Comedons and acne of the face. Ithching and eruptions of small red pustules.
2.Jahr’s therapeutic guide • For simple acne:Bell, Carbo veg, and Sulphur
• For indurated acne: Carbo veg, Ledum,Sulphur
• For acne punctate:Sulphur and Nitric acid
• For acne vermiformis the so called comedons:sulphur, selenium,graphites and nitric acid.
3.W.A Dewey’s Practical homoeopathic therapeutics • Sanguinaria canadensis: women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood. Other remedies for acne dependent on sexual disturbances of women are calcaria carbonica and Aurum muriaticum natronatum.
• Thuja occidentalis: for acne facialis
• Calcaria picrica
• Calcaria sulphurica: for the suppurated pimples.


1)FACE-ERUPTIONS-acne-Ant crud,Ars, Ars-i,AUR,calc, calc sulph, CALC-SIL,CARBO AN.CARBN-S,CARBO-VEG,CAUST,con,cop,crot-h,Eug,HEP,KALI-BR,kreos,lach,nat-m,Nit-ac,NUX VOM,ph-ac,psor,puls,SEP,SIL,sulph,thuj,tub.
2)FACE ERUPTIONS-acne-rosacea-groups, in-CAUST
3)CHEST ERUPTIONS-pimples-angry-sep


2)SKIN-eruption,tendency to-acne-bell,carv-v,eug,hep,kali-br,merc,nux-v,sep,sulph

1)Eruptions,tendency to-acne-cosmetics,from-bov
2)Eruptions tendency to-acne-menses-delayed-crot-h
3)Eruptions,tendency to-acne-scars,remaining after-carbo-an,cop,kaki-br
4)Eruptions,tendency to-acne,women,young-cycl.
Acne is commonly prevalent in adolescents and it is not alife threatening disease also. For complete cure of the acne removal of exciting and maintaining causes along with constitutional remedy is required. Here the diagnosis is more important with regards to variety of acne is present. Homoeopathic medicine work in both mental and physical plane and so find out the similimum is must for the cure.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Homoeopathy Medical Officer - 2007

Kerala PSC Homoeopathy Medical Officer

2007 Question paper

PSC BHMS Based Questions

1. Enzyme deficiency in Diabetes Mellitus is :

(A) Glycokinase

(B) Hexokinase

(C) Phosphorylase

(D) Phosphate dehydrogenase

2. Herberden nodes are seen in :

(A) Rheumatoid Arthritis

(B) Rheumatic Arthritis

(C) S.L.E.

(D) Osteoarthritis

3. Japanese Encephalitis is caused by:

(A) Human retrovirus

(B) Enterovirus

(C) Arbovirus

(D) Cytomegalovirus

C. Normal human requirement of Potassium per day is:

(A) 100meq.

(B) 120 meq.

(C) 130 meq.

(D) 150 meq.

5. Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS is :

(A) Aspergillosis

(B) Cryptococcosis

(C) Candidiasis

(D) Tuberculosis

6. Cavernous breathing is seen in:

(A) Calung

(B) Consolidation

(C) Pleural effusion

(D) Cavity lung

7. Diagnosis of typhoid fever in the first week is by :

(A) Widal test

(B) Stool culture

(C) Urine culture

(D) Blood culture

8. pH of gastric acid is :

(A) 1.5 to 2.0

(B) 0.5 to 2.5 .

(C) 2.3 to 3

(D) 3 to 3.5

9.Daily requirement of Vitamin K in adult is :

(A) 10-20 microgram

(B)20-50 microgram .

(C) 70-140 microgram

(D)More than 150 microgram

10. Diagnostic characteristic in Carcinoma prostrate with metastasis is raise in :


(B) Alakline phosphatase

(C) Acid phosphatase


11. Commonest degenerative joint disease is :

(A) Gout

(B) Osteoporosis

(C) Rheumatoid Arthritis

(D) Osteoarthritis

12. Most common bone fracture in body is :

(A) Clavicle

(B) Femur

(C) Radius

(D) Vertebra

13. Herpes ‘Zoster is commonly seen in :

(A) Cervical region

(B) Geniculate ganglia

(C) Lumbar region

(D) Thoracic region

14. Causative organism of Molluscum Contagiosum is :

(A) Papova virus

(B) Pox virus

(C) Orthomyxo virus

(D) Parvo virus

15.Which of the following infection has the most neurological complications :

(A) Measles

(B) Rubella

(C) Scarlet fever

(D) Small pox

16.Normal heart rate per minute at birth is :

(A) 60-80

(B) 80-110

(C) 70-120

D) 110-150

17 . Kwashiorkor is due to:

(A) Protein deficiency

(C)Energy deficiency

(B) Malabsorption of Vitamins

(D) Protein and energy deficiency

18. Iron is absorbed actively in the:

(A) Stomach

(B) Duodenum

(C) Lower jejunum

(D) Proximal ileum

19. Liver does not produce:

(A) Albumin

(B) Gama globulin

(C) Fibrinogen

(D) Prothrombin

20. Main function of Mitochondria is :

(A)Protein synthesis


(C)Electron transfer

(D) Fat synthesis

21. Ketone body formation takes place in :

(A) Liver

(B) Kidney

(C) Spleen

(D) Blood

22.Sensation of coldness about the heart is the symptom of:

(A) Petroleum

(B) Cactus G

(C) Digitalis

(D) Naja

23. Palpitation before and during menses is present in :

(A) Ammonium carb

(B) Natrum mur

(C) Spongia.

(D) Sepia

24. Toothache from tobacco sqlOking is the symptom of:

(A) Tabacum

(B) Nuxvom

(C) Coffea

(D) Spigelia

25. Cannot walk on uneven ground is present in :

(A) Lachesis

(B) Lobelia

(C) Lyssin

(D) Lil. tig

26. The medicine for acute affection of prostrate after maltreated stricture is :

(A) Merc bin-iodide

(B) Merc cynide

(C) Merc proto-iodide

(D) Merc dulcis…

27. Pain from naval to uterus is the symptom in:

(A) Cimicifuga

(B) Colocynthis

(C) Ipecac

(D) Magphos

28. Constipation on going to sea is treated with:

(A)D Bryonia alb

(B) Platina

(C) Plumb met

(D) Sepia

29. Pain as if bones were torn into pieces is present in :

(A) Eup per

(B) Theridion

(C) Ipecac

(D) Thuja

30. Convulsions during teething with fever is the symptom in :

(A) Acon nap

(B) Belladonna

(C) Cicuta

(D) Mag Phos

31. Convulsion during teething without fever is characteristic of:

(A) Acon nap

(C) Cup met

(B) Belladonna

(D) Mag phos

32. Cough with expectoration of green mucus is a symptom of:

(A) Bryonia

(B) Kali carb

(C) Benzoic acid

(D) Rhus tox

33. Pain and numbness in right ovary, running down the thigh of that side is present in :

(A) Coniummac

(B) Medorrhinum

(C) Podophyllum.

(D) Psorinum

34. Nosebleed when menses should appear is symptom in:

(A) Bryonia

(B) China

(C) Millifolium

(D) Sanguinaria

35. Cough relieved by drinking cold water is one of the symptom of :

(A) Cuprum met

(B) Drosera

(C) Kali carb

(D) Spongia

36. Vertigo on seeing the flowing water is present in :

(A) Belladonna

(B) Conium mac

(C) Cocculus

(D) Fer. Met

37 . Convulsion of children after fright in mother is in :

(A) Opium

(B) Coffea

(C) Chamoinilla

(D) Aconite

38. Vomiting in any position except lying on right side is in:

(A) Antim tart

(B) Aethusa

(C) Ipecac

(D) Verat alb

39. Sweat in axilla, smells like onions is a symptom in :

(A) Bovista

(B) Thuja

(C) Phosphorus

(D) Silicea

40. Dryness of eyes; too dry to close the lids is the symptom in :

(A) Bryonia

(B) Cyclamen

(C) Nuxmosch

(D) Thuja

41. Pain in distant parts on coughing is a symptom in:

(A) Causticum

(B) Capsicum

(C) China

(D) Plumb met

42. Body large and fat, but legs too thin is type of :

(A) Silicea

(B) Cal- phos

(C) Ammonium mur

(D) Ammonium carb

43. Children; impudent, teasing, laugh at reprimands is found in:

(A) Anacardium

(B) Graphites

(C) Ignatia

(D) Nitic acid

44. Can only void urine while sitting bent backwards is characteristic of:

(A) Conium

(B) Hep-sulph

(C) Medorrhinum

(D) Zincum met.

45. Feels unusually well day before an acute attack of disease:

(A) Opium

(B) Psorinum

(C) Stramonium

(D) Verat vir

46. Dyspnoea aggravated while sitting, after sleep, in room; relieved by walking rapidly is found in:

(A) Can. sat

(B) Kali carb

(C) Natrum sulph

(D) Sepia

47. Cough returns every winter:

(A) Hep. sulph

(B) Psorinum

(C) Sepia

(D) Silicea

48. Always feels better by walking slowly about, although weakness obliges the patient to lie down:

(A) Causticum

(B) Diascorea

(C) Ferr met

(D) Sepia

49. Sailors suffer from asthma at “onshore”

(A) Spongia

(B) Natrum sulph

(C) Medorrhinum

(D) Bromium

50. Palpitation: violent when lying on left side, goes off when turning to the right:

(A) Calc ars

(B) Lac defloratum

(C) Tabacum

(D) Lachesis

51. First edition of Organon was published in the year of:

(A) 1796

(B) 1810

(C) 1798

(D) 1800

52. Theory of Chronic disease was introduced for the first time in which edition of Organon:

(A) 2nd edition

(B) 3rd edition

(C) 4th edition

(D) 5th edition

53. Aude Sapere has originated from:

(A) Latin

(B) Greek

(C) German

(D) Hibru

54. Hahnemann died in the city of:

(A) Kothen

(B) Leipzig

(C) London

(D) Paris

55. Essays on a new principle for ascertaining the curative power of drugs was published by Hahnemann in :

(A) 1790

(B) 1795

(C) 1796

(D) 1798

56. Homoeopathy is based on :

(A) Deductive logic

(B) Inductive logic

(C) Both.

(D) None

57. “Fragmenta de Viribus ….. Human observatis” was published in the year:

(A) 1796

(B) 1800

(C) 1805

(D) 1779

58.Homoeopathic concept says mental diseases are:

(A) Psoric origin

(B) Pseudo-psoric in origin

(C) Acute diseases

(D) Pseudo-chronic diseases-

59. Most appropriate time for administering the medicines in epidemic or sporadic intermittent fever is:

(A) Immediately before the paroxysm

(B) Any time before paroxysm

(C) Immediately after the termination of paroxysm

(D) Any time after the paroxysm

60. The name “50 Millesimal potency” was given by:

(A) Dr. C. Hering

(B) Dr. Hahnemann

(C) Dr. W. Boericke

(D) Dr. P. Schmidt

61. The word “Miasam” originated from:

(A) Greek

(B) German

(C) Latin

(D) French

62. Hahnemann was not averse to external applications for the treatment of:

(A) Chancre

(B) Veneral miasam

(C) Figwarts

(D) N one of the above

63. The term Pseudo-Psora was first used by:

(A) Dr. J. T. Kent

(B) Dr. J. H. Allen

(C) Dr. H.C. Allen

(D) Dr. T. F. Allen

64. A prolonged aggravation and final decline of the patient interprets that:

(A) The medicine is not correct

(B) The disease is an incurable one.

(C) The medicine is too deep

(D) The patient is idiosyncratic

65. No aggravation, with recovery of the patient means:

(A) The remedy is shallow and short acting

(B) The potency is suitable

(C) Slight organic change

(D) The disease is organic and incurable

66. Which observation of Kent does not cover the disease state:

(A) 3rd Observation

(B) 12th Observation

(C) 9th Observation

(D) All the above

67. Number of drugs proved by Dr. Hahnemann:

(A) 97

(B) 98

(C) 99

(D) 100

68. Mesmerism was introduced in which edition of Organon:

(A) 2nd

(B) 3rd

(C) 5th

(D) 6th

69. Accessory symptoms are found in :

(A) Acute diseases

(B) Chronic diseases

(C) In drug proving

(D) After 1st Prescription

70. In Kent’s Repertory rubric “Dream” is found in :

(A) Sleep

(B) Generalities

(C) Mind

(D) Head

71. In Kent’s repertory, “Shaving aggravates” is found in the chapter:

(A) Face

(B) Skin

(C) Generalities

(D) Conditions

72. In Kent’s Repertory, number of sections is :

(A) 37

(B) 38

(C) 31

(D) 33

73. First edition of Kent’s Repertory was published in the year:

(A) 1894

(B) 1897

(C) 1899

(D) 1900

74. Sixth edition of Kent’s Repertory was published in the year:

(A) 1840

(B) 1900

(C) 1925

(D) 1961

75. In Kent’s Repertory, rubric “Convulsion” is to be looked in :

(A) Head

(B) Mind

(C) Generalities

(D) Dreams

76. The plan of Repertory part of Therapeutic Pocket Book by Boenningauessen is divided into:

(A) Four parts

(B) Eight parts

(C) Five parts

(D) Seven parts

77. The first edition of Therapeutic Pocket Book by Boenningauessen was published in the year:

(A) 1837

(B) 1931

(C) 1785

(D) 1938

78. The Concordance Repertory is :

(A) Gentry’s

(B) Kent’s

(C) Boger’s

(D) Pathak’s

79. “The doctrine of Analogy” concept is given by :

(A) Boericke

(B) Boenningauessen

(C) Knerr

(D) Kent

80. Boenningauessen’s Repertory was translated to English by:

(A) Boericke

(B) Boger

(C) William Oscar

(D) Knerr

81. Largest chapter in Kent’s Repertory is :

(A) Mind

(B) Extremities

(C) Generalities

(D) Genitalia

82. Smallest chapter in Kent’s Repertory is :

(A) Vision

(B) Hearing’

(C) Dream

(D) External throat

83. Gradation of medicines is first done by :

(A) Dr. Hering

(B) Dr. Boger

(C) Dr. Boenningauessen

(D) Dr. Hahnemann

84. “Therapeutic Pocket Book” by Boenningauessen was originally written in:

(A) English

(B) Latin

(C) German

(D) Greek

85. “Therapeutic Pocket Book” by Boenningauessen had originally:

(A) 124 remedies

(B) 126 remedies

(C) 136 remedies

(D) 156 remedies

86. Kent started his works on repertory from:

(A) Lee’s Repertory

(B) Lippe’s Repertory

(C) Boenningauessen’s Repertory

(D) Jhar’s Repertory

87. Eliminating Rubric was first introduced in Homoeopathy by:

(A) Margret Tyler

(B) Sir John Weir

(C) None of the above

(D) Both the above

88. The word Rubric originated from the word:

(A) Rubra

(B) Rubus

(C) Rubrera

(D) Rubrika

89. In Kent’s Repertory, the complaint “Ailments from bad news” can be located in the Rubric:

(A) Ailments

(B) Bad

(C) News

(D) Complaints

90. In Kent’s Repertory, “Tabes Messenterica” is found in the chapter:

(A) Abdomen

(B) Generalities

(C) Rectum

(D) Stomach

91. Repertory of the intermittent Fever is written by :

(A) W. A. Allen

(B) H. C. Allen

(D) Boger

(C) Gurnessy

92. Globule No. 10 having weight 1 grain is equivalent to:

(A) 1 globule

(B) 10 globules

(C) 100 globules

(D) 200 globules

93. Science that deals with different aspects of the drug is called:

(A) Pharmacy

(B) Pharmacology

(C) Pharmocognesy

(D) Pharmocodynamics

94. British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia by the Homoeopathic Society was published in:

(A) 1850

(B) 1860

(C) 1870

(D) 1890

95. The first volume of the HPI was published by Government of India in the year:

(A) 1962

(B) 1971

(C) 1976

(D) 1978

96. The Eighth Volume of HPI published by Government of India was in the year:

(A) 1998

(B) 2000

(C) 2002

(D) 2004

97. By the method of sucussion Hahneman made potencies up to:

(A) 30X

(B) 60X

(C) 30C

(D) 60C

98. The process of passing a liquid through some porous medium is :

(A) Straining

(B) Decantation

(C) Desiccation

(D) Filtration

99. The drug Causticum belongs to :

(A) Sodium Group

(B) Calcium Group

(C) Carbon Group

(D) Potassium Group

100. One dessertspoonful is equivalent to:.

(A) 4ml

(B) 8ml

(C) 15ml

(D) 20 ml

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Homoeopathy Medical Officer - 2013

Kerala PSC Homoeopathy Medical Officer

2013 Question paper

PSC BHMS Based Questions

1. Which is the highest peak in lndia?

(A) Mount Everest ,

(B) Nangaparbat

(C) Godwin Austin

(D) Guru Shikhar

2. Which is the only district in Kerala, where garlic is produced

(A) Kasaragod

(B) Pathanarnthitta

(C) Waynad


3. Madurai is located in the banks of which river?

(A) Yamuna

(B) Godavari

(C) Vaiga

(D) Manasa

4. Who is the author of the novel Asuravithu?

(A) M.T. Vasudhevan Nair

(B) Sugathakurnali

(C) T. Padmanabhan

(D) Kakkanadan

5. Edakkal cave is situated in which district?

(A) Waynad

(B) Palakkad

(C) Malappurarn

(D) Kollam

6.Which state stands first in the production of coal in India?

(A) Chattisgarh

(B) Karnataka

(C) Maharashtra

(D) Jharkhand

7. Forest research institute in Kerala :

(A) Thekkadi

(B) Peechi

(C) Neyyar

(D) Thattekkad

8.Who is the Chairman of planning commission?

(A) President

(B) Vice President

(C) Speaker

(D) Prime Minister

9. Casio fistula is the scientific name of :

(A) Neelakurinji

(B) Coconut

(C) Kanikonna

(D) Lotus

10. Who is the Attorney General of India?

(A) G.E. Vahanvadhi

(B) Harin P. Raval

(C) Mohan Parasaran

(D) K. Parasaran

11. Jim Corbet national park is situated in which state?

(A) Karnataka

(B) Uttarakhand

(C) Uttar Pradesh

(D) Gujarat

12. ln which district Akshaya Computer Project was started?

(A) Kasaragod

(B) Malappuram

(C) Thiruvananthapuram

(D) Kottayam

13.Which year project tiger was started by India government?

(A) 1982

(B) 1992

(C) 1972

(D) 1971

14. Who is the author ofthe book ‘The Birds of Kerala’?

(A) Salim Ali

(B) Induchoodan

(C) Sugathakumari

(D) Bimal Mithra

15. Who wrote the book -‘freedom at midnight?

(A) Niradh C. Chaudhari

(B) Anitha Desai

(C) Dominique Lapiere, Larry Collins

(D) Dominique Lap

16. Which place in Kerala is known as three ‘C’s?

(A) Thalassery

(B) Kottayam

(C) Kozhikode

(D) Kollam

17. Which day is celebrated as Panchayath day? ‘

(A) July 15

(B) March 13

(C) February 19

(D) November 19

18. Pallivasal Project is built in which river?

(A) Kannadipuzha

(B) Muthirapuzha

(C) N eyyar

(D) Kavvayipuzha

19. Radcliff line separates

(A) India and Pakistan

(B) India and China

(C) India and Bangladesh

(D) India and Myanmar

20. The only Malayalee who appeared in Indian postal stamp and coin?

(A) Ayyankali

(B) Sree Narayana Guru

(C) K. Kelappan .

(D) Sahodaran Ayyappan

21.Transudative pleural effusion occurs in :


(B) Cirrhosis

(C) Peritoneal dialysis

(D) Pancreatic disease

22. A positive Romberg’s sign indicate :

(A) Cerebellar ataxia

(B) Sensory ataxia

(C) (A) and (B) above

(D) EPS lesion

23. In Kent’s repertory ‘bites of poisonous animals’ is given under :

(A) Extremities-bitten

(B) Skin-wounds

(C) Generalities-wounds

(D) Skin-bitten

24) Microcytic hypocromic anaemia with high serum ferritine level seen in :

(A) Iron deficiency anemia

(B) Thalasemia

(C) Sideroblastic anemia

(D) Megaloblastic anemia

25.National AIDS control programme was launched

(A) 1987

(B) 1985

(C) 1992

(D) 1999

26.Koplik spots are a feature of :

(A) Rubella

(B) Mumps

(C) Measles

(D) Typhoid

27.5th edition of Organon of Medicine was translated to English by

(A) Dudgeon

(B) William Boericke

(C) J .T. Kent

(D) T.F. Allen

28. The weight of adult human heart 1

(A) 500 – 600 gms

(B) 100 – 150 gms

(C) 600 – 700 gms

(D) 250 – 350 gms

29.Which is the most frequent of all cancers occurring in Women Worldwide?

(A) Breast cancer

(B) Cervical cancer

(C) Ovarian cancer

(D) Endometrial cancer

30. The medicine prepared from washing soda :

(A) Kali carb

(B) Natrum sulph

(C) Natrum carb

(D) Kali sulph

31. The common name of belladonna :

(A) Deadly night shade

(B) Monkshood

(C) Fool’s Parsley

(D) Wild Hops

32.The incubation period of chicken pox :

(A) 1 – 7 days

(B) 1 – 3 days

(C) 1 – 2 weeks

(D) 2 – 3 weeks

33.The BMI of an overweight person is 1

(A) >30

(B) 30 – 35

(C) >40

(D) 25 – 30

34. shilling’ s test, high level of labeled Vit. B12 in urine indicate :

(A) Failure of absorption of Vit. Biz

(B) Deficiency of intrinsic factor

(C) (A) and (B) above

(D) Normal absorption of Vit. B12

35. What is trial sign?

(A) Prominence of sternocleido mastoid

(B) Downward movement of trachea during inspiration

(C) Tracheal deviation

(D) (A) and (C) above

36.Which of the following is not a viral infection?

(A) Rabies

(B) Leptospirosis

(C) Yellow Fever

(D) Japanese encephalitis

37. The concept of Tubercular miasm was put forwarded by

(A) J.H. Allen

(B) H.C. Allen

(C) Hahnemann

(D) Stuart Clause

38.Epstein-Barr Virus causes all, except :

(A) Glandular fever

(B) Kaposi’s sarcoma

(C) Hairy leucoplakia

(D) Burkit’s lymphoma

39. Which of the following is due to monosomy?

(A) Down’s syndrome

(B) Klinefelter’s syndrome

(C) Turner’s syndrome

(D) None of the above

40. Which of the following is an autosomal recessive disorder?

(A) Wilson’s disease

(B) Hirschsrung’s disease

(C) Marfaifs syndrome

(D) Poly cystic Kidney disease

41 The only antibody that crosses the placenta in significant quantities.

(A) IgM

(B) IgA


(D) IgG

42. Select the odd one :

(A) Vitamin A

(B) Vitamin B1

(C) Vitamin D

(D) Vitamin K

43.Deep ulcers that penetrate the bowel wall is a feature of :

(A) Crohn’s disease

(B) Ulcerative colitis

(C) Coeliac disease

(D) (A) and (B) above

44.The daily synthesis of albumin in liver is about :

(A) 1-2gm

(B) 10-12gm

(C) 30 – 40 gm

(D) 30 – 40 ing

45. All liver function tests except Bilirubin level is normal in :

(A) Hepatitis A infection

(B) Hepatic carcinoma

(C) Cirrhosis liver

(D) Gilbert’s syndrome

46. Normal range of HbA1C level :

(A) Less than 6

(B) More than 10

(C) Between 7 to 10

(D) Up to 0.6

47. Which is Wrong about Henoch-Schonlein pxirpura?

(A) Thrombocytopenia

(B) Bleeding time prolonged

(C) Vasculitis

(D) Type Ill hyper sensitivity

48. The energy content of Glucose is :

(A) 2870 J/mol

(B) 287 kJ/mol

(C) 287 J/mol

(D) 2870 kJ/mol

49. DNA scanning is used to assess

(A) Glucose utilization

(B) Bone density

(C) Lung perfusion

(D) DNA abnormalities

50. Charcot’s joints are seen in :

(A) Tabes dorsalis

(B) Syringomyelia

(C) Diabetes mellitus

(D) All the above

51. Pathergy reaction is concerned with :

(A) Atopic dermatitis

(B) Hydatid disease

(C) Behcet’s disease

(D) Scleroderma

52. In ECG, P-R interval is the length of time between

(A) Beginning of the P and Beginning of QRS

(B) End of the P and Beginning of QRS

(C) Beginning of the P and Beginning R

(D) End of the P and Beginning of R

53.Normal area of mitral valve orifice is :

(A) 2.5 cm2

(B) 1cm2

(C) 1.5 cm2

(D) 5 cm2

54. TRH is secreted by :

(A) Anterior pituitary

(B) Thy-roid gland

(C) Hypothalamus

(D) Posterior pituitary

55. A lesion over the cerebral cortex leads to :

(A) Contra lateral hemiplegia

(B) Defects limited to isolated areas the body

(C) Ipsilateral hemiplegia

(D) Crossed hemiplegia

56. What is wrong about Extra Pyramidal System Lesion?

(A) Rigidity of muscles

(B) Weakness of muscles

(C) Muscles may be flaccid

(D) Involuntary movements

57. Which of the following does not belong to deciduous teeth?

(A) Canines

(B) lncisors

(C) Premolars

(D) Molars

58. J receptors are seen in :

(A) Lungs

(B) Kidney

(C) Ear lobes

(D) Peripheral nerve endings

59.Indian childhood cirrhosis is caused by :

(A) Alcohol abuse of parents

(B) Lead poisoning

(C) Recurrent hepatitis

(D) Copper excess

60. Samuel Hahnemann died in the city :

(A) Paris

(B) California

(C) London

(D) None

61.Which drug has the symptom ‘time seems too long, seconds seem ages’?

(A) Cannabis sativa

(B) Gelsemium

(C) Cannabis indica

(D) Calc phos

62. ‘Fe ars that unless on move heart will cease beating’ in which drug :

(A) Gelsemium

(B) Cactus

(C) Cannabis indica

(D) Ars alb

63. Normal serum iron :

(A) 450 – 700 ,u gm/dL

(B) 250 – 400 ,u gm/dL

(C) 25 ~ 40 p gm/dL

(D) 50 – 150 ,ugm/dL

64.Normal Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin

(A) 27-32 pg

(B) 68-78 mg

(C) 12-16 mg

(D) 78-98 pg

65. Cullen’s sign is positive in

(A) Acute pancreatitis A

(B) Rupture of ectopic pregnancy

(C) Massive upper GI hemorrhage

(D) All the above

66. Branch of Pharmacy deals with the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of

drugs :

(A) Pharmacognosy

(B) Pharmacology

(C) Pharmacodynamics

(D) (A) and (B) above

67.0dd’s palsy is related to :

(A) Acute poisoning

(B) Cerebro vascular accident

(C) Carpel tunnel syndrome

(D) Epilepsy

68. What is true about Acrodermatitis enteropathica?

(A) An inherited disease

(B) Due to deficiency of Zinc

(C) All the above

(D) None of the above

69.Hand book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic therapeutics is a work of :

(A) T.F. Allen

(B) HC Allen

(C) E.A. Farrigton

(D) JH Clarke

70. Whipple’s disease is caused by :

(A) Virus

(B) Fungus

(C)V Helminths

(D) Bacteria

71. Which of the following is not produced in liver?

(A) Ceruloplasmin

(B) Albumin

(C) Gamma globulin

(D) Cholestrol

72. Bléeding time is not prolonged in

(A) Henoch-schonlein purpura

(B) Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura

(C) Thrombotic thrornbocytopenic purpura

(D) Hemophilia

73. The muscles which helps to open the eyes are innervated by :

(A) Trigeminal

(B) Facial nerve

(C) Occulomotor nerve

(D) Optic nerve

74. Typhoid is diagnosed during the first week by

(A) Blood culture

(B) Leucopenia

(C) Widal test

(D) Relative bradycardia

75. Direct inoculation is the mode of transmission in :

(A) Dengue fever

(B) Chicken pox

(C) ‘Weil’s disease

(D) Plague

76. Natures law of cure is explained by Hahnemann in :

(A) Aphorism 26

(B) Aphorism 9

(C) Aphorism 29

(D) Aphorism 63

77. All are features of emphysema except

(A) Hyper resonance on percussion

(B) Mediastinal shift

(C) Hyper translucency in X-ray

(D) Barrel shaped chest

78. Night blindness is caused the deficiency of

(A) Vitamin C

(B) VitaminD

(C) Vitamin B12

(D) VitaminA

79. Causticum was introduced by :

(A) Dr. C. Hering

(B) Dr. Hahnemann

(C) Dr. J.T. Kent

(D) Dr. J.H. Clarke

80. IN Kent Repertory, what is the cross-reference given for “LlVELY”?

(A) Liveliness


(C) Miirth

(D) Joyous

81. Alger mortis means :

(A) Cooling ofthe body after the death

(B) Relaxation of muscles after the death

(C) Stiffening of muscles after the death

(D) Staining in the body after death

82. Prothrombin time and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time are prolonged in :

(A) Haemophilia

(B) Von Willebrand’s disease

(C) Vitamin K deficiency

(D) All they above

83.Which of the following is a sulphur containing Amino Acid?

(A) Valine

(B) Glycine

(C) Cysteine

(D) Alanine

84. The right Subclavian artery is a branch of

(A) Aorta

(B) Brachiocephalic artery

(C) Right common carotid artery

(D) Subclavian trunk

85. All are ANCA positive vasculitis, except :

(A) Wegner’s granulomatosis

(B) Churg-straussgranulomatosis

(C) Henoch-Schonlein purpura

(D) Microscopic polyangitis

86.Typhoid affects which part of our body :

(A) Intestines W

(B) Stomach

(C) Kidney

(D) Lungs

87. Psoriatic Arthritis has al predilection for : ‘

(A) Proximal interphalangeal joint

(B) Distal interphalangeal joint

(C) Metacarpo-phalangeal joint

(D) Knee joint

88. The function of platelets is in :

(A) Blood clotting

(B) Antibody production

(C) Tissue repair

(D) Primary haemostasis

89 . Permitted maximum limit of Arsenic in drinking water 1

(A) 0.001 mg/litre

(B) 0.0001 mg/litre

(C) 0.0

(D) 0.01 mg/litre

90. What is the topic of discussion in Aphorism 115?

(A) Idiosyncrasy

(B) Alternating actions

(C) Drug proving

(D) Two sided diseases

91. The drug strength of the 30 potency under centesimal scale :

(A) 1/103

(B) 1/106

(C) 1/1030

(D) 1/1060

92. Small pox was officially declared eradicated by WHO in :

(A) 1980

(B) 1979

(C) 1975

(D) 1973

93. Primordial Prevention means

(A) Prevention prior to the onset of disease

(B) Prevention to avoid complications

(C) Prevention of emergence of risk factors

(D) Tertiary Prevention

94. Spot the odd one out

(A) Phosphorous

(B) Cal Carb

(C) Sulphur

(D) Lycopodium

95. Most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in human body is

(A) Glutamate

(B) Acetyl Choline

(C) Adrenaline

(D) Dopamine

96. Population of Kerala as per 2011 census in crores

(A) 4.23

(B) 3.34

(C) 2.37

(D) 2.83

97. Increased anterior curvature of lumbar spine is called

(A) Lordosis

(B) Kyphosis

(C) Scoliosis

(D) Spondylosis

98. 1ml is equivalent to

(A) 6.3 drops

(B) 13 drops

(C) 16.23 drops

(D) 9 drops

99. Horizontally placed long bone in the body

(A) Clavicle

(B) Upper limbs

(C) Mandible

(D) Ilium

100. Length of human small intestine

(A) 10 m

(B) 6m

(C) 3 m

(D) 2.5 meters

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Homoeopathy MCQs in Materia Medica

Collection of Question papers in Homeopathy, MCQs

Previous Question papers of MD (Hom),BHMS, Homeopathy PSC, Homeopathy UPSC, MD (Hom) Entrance from various states and universities all over India

Homoeopathy MCQs in Materia Medica

1. Convulsions of single muscle
(A) Ignatia (B) Cup-Met (C) Mag-phos (D) Bufo
2. Which one of the following is the treatment of choice for recurrent / sub-acute appendicitis ?
(A) Belladonna (B) Rust tox (C) Lycopodium (D) Iris tenax
3. If vertigo and headache be very persistent or prostration be prolonged after Nat Mur, ...... will relieve:
(A) Gels (B) Apis (C) Glonoine (D) Nux-vom
4. Believes that she is going to die soon that she cannot be helped:
(A) Aconite (B) Hydrastis (C) Agnus-C (D) Hell
5. Irritable; pains are accompanied by excitement
(A) Aconite (B) Cham (C) Coffea (D) Causticum
6. 4-8 P.M. aggravation in Bowel nosodes:
(A) Morgon gartner (B) Morgon pure (C) Proteus (D) Bacillus-7
7. Morning diarrhoea and evening constipation:
(A) Aloes (B) Sulph (C) Bryonia (D) Nat-Mur
8. Match List-I (Medicine) with List-II (Keynote) and select the correct answer using the codes below
A. Camphora1. Leucorrhoea preventing pregnancy
B Caulophylum2. Sequelae of measles
C. Thuja occ.3. Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of vagina
D. Lycopodium4. Coition prevented by extreme dryness of vagina

Codes :
(A) A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4 (B) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3 (C) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 (D) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
9. Aversion to mother:
(A) Raphanus (B) Silicia (C) Caust (D) Thuja
10. Backache is relieved by lying on abdomen. One drug is Acetic Acid; another is:
(A) Nat-Mur (B) Medo (C) Kalicarb (D) Tuber
11. Slow in learning to walk and talk due to sluggish development of mind:
(A) Agaricus (B) CaI-carb (C) Aethusa (D) Bar-carb
12. Marasmus with retracted abdomen:
(A) Abrotinum (B) Nat-Mur (C) Cal-carb (D) Cal-phos
13. Angry at trifles and perfectly harmless things, but is soon sorry for it:
(A) Nat-Mur (B) Ignatia (C) Cham (D) Mez
14. Asthma worse in foggy weather as per Boerricke:
(A) Nat-Sulph (B) Dulc. (C) Rhus-Tox (D) Hypericum
15. Complaints from eating melons and drinking impure water as per Boerricke:
(A) Zingiber (B) Pyrogen (C) Dulc. (D) Nat-Sulph
16. Cal-carb and Bar-carb – Drug relation:
(A) Concordant (B) Incompatible (C) Antidote (D) Complementary
17. All Acid drugs are thirstless except:
(A) Acid-pic (B) Lac-Acid (C) Oxalic Acid (D) Acitic Acid
The following item consists of two statements;
one labeled as the ‘Assertion (A)’ and the other as ‘Reason(R)’. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below:
(A) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.
18. Assertion (A) : Thuja is the king of antisycotic remedies.
Reason (R) : Thuja can cure each and every type of warts at each and every locations.
19. Cough is better by lying down and aggravated in day time:
(A) Hyos (B) Medo (C) Puls (D) Manganum
20. The pains are tearing and aching – the seat of the disease is:
(A) Serous membranes (B) Mucus membrane (C) Tendons (D) Muscles
21. Which one of the following is the correct order that matches with the sequential order of ‘amelioration from coffee’, ‘aggravation from coffee’ and ‘desire for coffee’ ?
(A) Ignatia, Angustura, Chamomilla (B) Angustura, Ignatia, Chamomilla (C) Ignatia, Chamomilla, Angustura (D) Chamomilla, Ignatia, Angustura
22. A child suffering from acute tonsillitis is presented with the symptoms of throat pain associated with pain in ears which got aggravated by warm drinks and better by cold drinks. Which one of the following is the likely remedy ?
(A) Merc. Sol. (B) Belladonna (C) Arsenic album (D) Phytolacca
23. Blue Leucorrhoea — in Kent Repertory:
(A) Ambra grisea (B) Sepia (C) Hydrastis (D) Alumina
24. Which of the following symptoms is not peculiar to Antim. crud ?
(A) Loss of voice from becoming over-heated. (B) Craving for cold bathing. (C) Constant discharge of flatus up and down, for years ; belching tasting of ingesta. (D) Irresistible desire to talk in rhymes.
25. “Extraordinary craving for apples” is found in :
(A) Aloes, only. (B) Ant-tart. only. (C) Aloes & Ant-tart. (D) Ant-tart. & Ant-crud.
26. “Vomiting in any position except lying on right side” is a characteristic feature of:
(A) Ars. alb . (B) Ipecac. (C) Bismuth. (D) None of these drugs.
27. Which of the following symptoms is common to Kali bich. Apis mel. and Lac can ?
(A) Shifting nature of pain (B) Thirstlessness with dry tongue. (C) Obsessiveness with forgetfulness. (D) Delayed, scantly, painful menses with increased sexual desire and weeping disposition.
28. Match List-I (Medicine) with List-II (Source of Medicine) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
A. Aranea Diadema1. Orange Spider
B Mygale Lasiodora2. Spanish Spider
C. Tarentula Hispanica3. Papal-cross Spider
D. Theridion. c4. Black Cuban Spider

(A) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 (B) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3 (C) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 (D) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3
29. Consider the following symptoms
1. Bad effects from loss of sleep 2. Nausea, vomiting from riding in carriage 3. Gall stones with pain under right shoulder blade 4. Excessive prostration at menstrual nisus Which of these are the guiding symptoms of Cocculus indica?
(A) l,3 and 4 (B) 2, 3 and 4 (C) 1, 2 and 4 (D) 1,2 and 3
30. “Vicarious menstruation” is a common feature of:
(A) Bryonia and Phosphorus. (B) Phosphorus and Sabina. (C) Bryonia and Sabina. (D) Bryonia, Sabina and Phosphorus.
31. “Craving for salt” is a common feature of:
(A) Nat. mur. and Sepia. (B) Nat. mur. and Graphites. (C) Phos. and Graphites. (D) Phosphorus and Argentum nit.
32. “Craving for milk” is found in :
(A) Rhus-t & Aethusa (B) Sabad & Nat. carb. (C) Rhus tox. & Sabad (D) Rhus-t & Nat. carb.

33. Opium, Chelidonium and Plumbum met, have the following characteristic symptom in common:
(A) Right sided’ paralysis. (B) Black, ball like stool (C) Sweat on the covered parts. (D) Dementia of the aged persons.
34. Petroleum. Nat. carb. and Phosphorus manifest which the following symptoms, in common ?
(A) Aggravation from eating cabbage. (B) Diarrhoea after taking milk. (C) Ailments from riding in a carriage. (D) Complaints < before & during thunderstorm.
35. “Aversion to sweet” is found in :
(A) Sepia. (B) Tuberculinum. (C) Staphysagria. (D) Graphites
36. The medicine (s) usually used in contused wound is/are :
(A) Arnica only. (B) Hamamelis only. (C) Arnica & Hamamelis. (D) Neither Arn nor Hamamelis.
37. According to H.C. Alien, in “delirium” :
(A) Belladonna occupies a place midway between Hyoscyamus and Stramonium. (B) Hyoscyamus occupies a place midway between Belladonna and Stramonium. (C) Stramonium occupies a place midway between Belladonna and Hyoscyamus. (D) Stramonium can be prescribed when Belladonna and Hyoscyamus fail to relieve.
38. In Hyoscyamus, cough is :
(A) < when lying down, at night, after drinking, talking and > by sitting up, (B) < while sitting up, during day time, after eating, > while lying down. (C) < while lying down, at night, > after eating and drinking. (D) < talking, singing, > while lying down.
39. “Thin, watery Leucorrhoea” is commonly not found in :
(A) Sepia. (B) Alumina. (C) Syphilinum. (D) Hydrastia can.
40. Find the correct order/sequence of medicines to be prescribed :
(A) Sulph. à Calc. carb. à Lyco (B) Calc.carb. à Sulph. à Lyco. (C) Lyco à Calc. carb. à Sulph. (D) Sulphur à Lyco. à Calc.carb.
41. Find the odd match (Drug – symptom) out:
(A) Sepia – fond of company. (B) Causticum – Sympathetic. (C) Lachesis – loquacious.’ (D) Nat. mur. – obsessive.
42. Which of the following medicines is fastidious :
(A) Lycopodium. (B) Aconite nap. (C) Carcinosin. (D) Tuberculinum.
43. In which of the following medicines, “aversion to company” is found :
(A) Nat. mur. (B) Bismuth. (C) Lac. can. (D) Kali carb.
44. Calc. phos., Baryta carb. and Gelsemium have the following symptom, in common :
(A) Amelioration of complaints when thinking of them. (B) Aggravation of symptoms when thinking of them. (C) Aggravation of symptoms when lying on the left side (D) All symptoms are worse during mense mental labour and at night.
45. Complementary to Psorinum” is :
(A) Sulphur only. (B) Tuberculinum only. (C) Both Sulphur and Tuberculinum. (D) Neither Sulphur nor Tuberculinum.

46. According to William Boericke, Psorinum patient does not improve while using :
(A) Coffee. (B) Cigarette. (C) Tea. (D) Opium.
47. “Alternate diarrhoea and constipation” is not found in :
(A) Abrotanum. (B) Croton tig. (C) Antim. crud. (D) Sulphur.
48. “Bleeding from warts” is the characteristics symptom of:
(A) Nit.acid. (B) Calc.carb. (C)- Dulcamara. (D) Nat. mur
49. “Urticaria after violent exercise” indicates :
(A) Sepia. (B) Nat. mur. (C) Rhus tox. (D) Arnica.
50. “Itching without eruptions” belongs to the pathogenesis of:
(A) Graphites. (B) Dolichos. (C) Nat.mur. (D) Sarsaparilla